
There are 63 repositories under firebasefirestore topic.

  • singh1aryan/Intro-to-Flutter

    🎸 Basic Flutter stuff.

  • MuncheRestaurantPartner


    Munche Restaurant Partner is an android app developed using Java. It is part of the Munche Customer Facing App.

  • demola234/Rydr

    Ride Hailing Application with Flutter, Bloc and Google Map

  • mars-amn/BloodBank

    BloodBank is an Android project that helps people and it could save their lives.

  • quocbao238/Flutter-NinjaFood-Restaurant

    Ninja Food App use GetX streamlines state management and navigation. With real-time updates, rating system, and push notifications

  • saadat-ali-awan/JOCs

    JOC's is a Team Management System built using Flutter. Firebase Storage and Firebase Firestore serves as database. Firebase Auth is used for authorization and GetX as state management tool.

  • JobGetabu/ShowCase-App

    An android App that's well designed, shows fantastic push notifications to users and utilizes firestore :)

  • Pratishtha123/Chatty

    A realtime Firebase Chatting app using Kotlin.

  • SimpleQuizApp


    This is simple project which is a Quiz app. It has splash screen and Google admob integration also. at first you have to register yourself for this I have used Firebase Auth. I have used firebase firestore to store the questions.

  • Sullivan677/Note

    A replica of the Apple Note application built with SwiftUI & Firebase Firestore

  • GnuaAruht/Notes

    Simple note-taking app using firebase firestore

  • hoxuanvinh1999/TN09_Application_Web

    My project was during my TN09 internship at the "Les detritivores". I continue with the web version for data management.

  • MattS8/IRSmartHub

    A project with the goal of creating a solution to the many IR-controlled devices in our home. This project makes those devices "smart", allowing them to be controlled from any android phone (soon to be any device with a browser).

  • AlbatovK/DiraServer

    :globe_with_meridians: Spring Boot server for Dira feat. Firebase Firestore

  • alpsudilbilir/fire-chat

    Firechat is an instant messaging app which is using Firebase for the storage and data operations.

  • edilsonmatola/flutter_chat_application

    flutter based messaging app where users can sign in with their emails to chat with their friends, family, colleagues.

  • JOYPAUL2001/NotEd

    NotEd is a simple note taking application that uses to record your important notes. Created and put into use a reliable note-taking application with a user-friendly interface. Firebase Authentication is used to integrate the Email Authentication functionality.

  • harsh6768/YourBlogApp

    Basically this project handle all the basic functionality of any blog app.I have used Firebase for Backend .I contains the likes feactures ,all post ,settings profile information and others features.

  • hsynadguzel/Email_Password_Firebase

    Making login page and sign up page with firebase. (Firebase ile giriş sayfası ve kayıt sayfası yapmak.)

  • imjeevandeshmukh/FirebasePhotoBlog

    A project demostrating implementation of FirebaseFirestore Databse,Firebase Storage,Firebase Login.

  • muhxdan/Flutter-ChatApp

    Flutter chat app with firebase

  • natansh25/Shivyog-Event-App

    Event management app for shivyog organization where users can Register, Share, locate events on google maps and get notified about upcoming events. Get it on Google Play

  • nmustakim/ShopEasy

    ShopEasy is an android app for shopping built with Flutter. Firebase has been used for backend and Provider for managing states.

  • prachip1/thereactimagegallery

    It is a simple image gallery page in reactjs and firebase.

  • QassemAbied/task_manager

    Task management is a program made by flutter and firebase that facilitates company members to communicate with each other and discuss tasks among them to raise the level of the company

  • ies-ese-civil


    IES ESE Civil is an app which hepls the IES ESE Civil Examination aspirants practice question, provide notes and allow them to take mock test based on currated previous year questions.

  • rammathala/newsadmin

    It is the admin website of Saagarasakshi news website. It allows admin to post and delete articles on various news categories such as Local new, Political news, Sports news, Agricultural news, culture news, Business news, Cinema news etc

  • rammathala/newsapp

    It is a telugu news website. It contains various news categories such as Local new, Political news, Sports news, Agricultural news, culture news, Business news, Cinema news etc

  • Rizz-33/SEALTECH

    waterproofing company e-commerce app for client and employees

  • saurabh277/Whatshapp-clone

    Whatshapp clone for android using firebase as Baas

  • Sushil787/Notuwa

    Note Taking App(notuwa), This is a note-taking app built using Flutter, which allows users to create and update notes along with attaching photos.You can download it from playstore. The app provides options for user registration or Google sign-in to access its features.

  • Yuvrajshankar/Todos-Firebase

    Full stack todo app with Reactjs(vite) + Firebase.

  • Kunal-verma-7/CRUD-Operations

    Flutter CRUD Operations - This project demonstrates the implementation of CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations in a Flutter application. CRUD operations are fundamental to many applications, and this project provides a comprehensive guide on how to perform these operations in Flutter using various tools and techniques.

  • luk444/Ecomerce-AutoManiacos

    Vista Previa del Ecomerce
