
There are 17 repositories under flask-sqlite3 topic.

  • 1x6/xenylist

    A selfhosted anime/manga tracker.

  • BlogLiteV2


    BlogLite is a social blogging web application using Flask, Rest Api Vuejs, Sqlite3, Celery, Redis etc.

  • ishani-chakraborty/intellivo

    Flask web application that facilitates intellectual conversation between users with different backgrounds with a KMeans cluster matching algorithm to help mitigate any bias seen in social media echo chambers.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook3503
  • nwchinn/GitHubScore

    This is a web app that allows users to enter their Github username to display metrics about their number of repos, stars, followers, etc and how they visually compare to other users on average. This is built with Python, Flask, Sqlite, JavaScript, and D3.js. Still a work in progress

  • saa1man/Flask-Blog

    This is a simple blog website built with Flask web framework. It uses Flask's built-in support for Jinja2 templating engine and SQLAlchemy for database management.

  • Salgado2004/Aluguel_de_Carros

    Projeto final da disciplina de Ajax + API do curso de Front-end ofertado pelo Programa de Atração e Formação de Talentos da PUCPR

  • athul12v/cassava_leaf

    A Flask web application that uses a pre-trained ResNet50 model to identify cassava leaf diseases. The system allows farmers to upload leaf images and get disease predictions along with prevention methods. It includes modules for both Farmers and Agricultural Officers, with SQLite3 as the database for managing user and disease information.

  • carloocchiena/flask_CRM_template

    Building a CRM template following the full-stack-python philosophy.

  • carloocchiena/flask_SQLite_full_stack_python_template

    A web app in Flask that allows via web form to enter a username. The backend saves it with the date of the day and an auto-incrementing ID and saves it to a local SQLite DB.

  • deep87we/FlashCard-Web-Application

    Course project of Modern Application Developement Course of IIT Madras Bsc Programme in Data Science And Programming

  • Dhanush-S-Gowda/task-manager-website-flask-python

    Flask Task Manager is a simple web application built with Flask, SQLite, and Jinja2 for managing tasks. It allows users to add, edit, mark tasks as completed, and delete tasks.

  • PrajwalKrishna/Purple-Purse-A-group-expense-manager

    A splitwise like group expense manager built using flask

  • RampageousRJ/TodoList-Flask

    Simple Todo-List web application made using Python-Flask

  • ShashwatShah24/SqliteManager

    Sqlite manager apllication made by flask-python

  • gameboy-stack/URL-Lite

    A Flask app to short url

  • nimelica/quote-o-matic

    Daily dose random motivational quote program
