
There are 32 repositories under flickr8k-dataset topic.

  • Div99/Image-Captioning

    Image Captioning with Keras

    Language:Jupyter Notebook6381445
  • sankalp1999/Image_Captioning_With_Attention

    CaptionBot : Sequence to Sequence Modelling where Encoder is CNN(Resnet-50) and Decoder is LSTMCell with soft attention mechanism

    Language:Jupyter Notebook48207
  • eric-ai-lab/ComCLIP

    Official implementation and dataset for the NAACL 2024 paper "ComCLIP: Training-Free Compositional Image and Text Matching"

  • bhushan2311/image_caption_generator

    An Image captioning web application combines the power of React.js for front-end, Flask and Node.js for back-end, utilizing the MERN stack. Users can upload images and instantly receive automatic captions. Authenticated users have access to extra features like translating captions and text-to-speech functionality.

  • adityajn105/image-caption-bot

    Implementation of 'merge' architecture for generating image captions from paper "What is the Role of Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) in an Image Caption Generator?" using Keras. Dataset used is Flickr8k available on Kaggle.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook143013
  • Subangkar/Image-Captioning-Attention-PyTorch

    An attention based sequential deep learning model implemented in pytorch to generate single line caption given an input image

    Language:Jupyter Notebook10304
  • satojkovic/DeepCaptioning

    Yet another im2txt (show and tell: A Neural Image Caption Generator)

  • yash-sarwaswa/Image-Caption-Generator

    Fabricating a Python application that generates a caption for a selected image. Involves the use of Deep Learning and NLP Frameworks in Tensorflow, Keras and NLTK modules for data processing and creation of deep learning models and their evaluation.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook5101
  • pjain9696/image_captions_generator

    Generate captions from images

  • aviralchharia/Neural-Image-Captioning

    In this project, we use a Deep Recurrent Architecture, which uses CNN (VGG-16 Net) pretrained on ImageNet to extract 4096-Dimensional image feature Vector and an LSTM which generates a caption from these feature vectors.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook3101
  • Delphboy/karpathy-splits

    Karpathy Splits json files for image captioning

  • therrshan/image-captioning

    Comparitive analysis of image captioning model using RNN, BiLSTM and Transformer model architectures on the Flickr8K dataset and InceptionV3 for image feature extraction.

  • Aryavir07/Image-Captioning-Using-CNN-and-LSTM

    Generating Captions for images using CNN & LSTM on Flickr8K dataset.The generation of captions from images has various practical benefits, ranging from aiding the visually impaired.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2206
  • Batserine/Image_Captioning

    Image Captioning using Deep learning models in Keras.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2204
  • billy-enrizky/Image-Caption-Generator

    🚀 Image Caption Generator Project 🚀 🧠 Building Customized LSTM Neural Network Encoder model with Dropout, Dense, RepeatVector, and Bidirectional LSTM layers. Sequence feature layers with Embedding, Dropout, and Bidirectional LSTM layers. Attention mechanism using Dot product, Softmax attention scores,...

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2101
  • iVishalr/Image-Captioning

    Implementation of Image Captioning Model using CNNs and LSTMs

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2222
  • LeenAlnajjar/Arabic-Image-Captioning

    The concept of the project is to generate Arabic captions from the Arabic Flickr8K dataset, the tools that were used are the pre-trained CNN (MobileNet-V2) and the LSTM model, in addition to a set of steps using the NLP. The aim of the project is to create a solid ground and very initial steps in order to help children with learning difficulties.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2200
  • nouranHisham/image_captioning_flickr

    Image Captioning is the task of describing the content of an image in words. This task lies at the intersection of computer vision and natural language processing.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2100
  • reshalfahsi/image-captioning-mobilenet-llama3

    Image Captioning With MobileNet-LLaMA 3

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2100
  • wikiabhi/image-caption-generator

    Automatically generating the captions for an image.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2211
  • assignments-sliit/img-caption-img-flickr8k

    Caption Generation using Flickr8k dataset by @jbrownlee and image generation from caption prompt using pretrained models

    Language:Jupyter Notebook10
  • msn2106/ImageCaptionGenerator

    Image Caption Generation

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1101
  • nhabbash/autocaption

    Automatic image captioning with PyTorch

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1300
  • tanzealist/AutoImageCaption-CNNvsResNet

    "AutoImageCaption-CNNvsResNet" leverages the Flickr 8k Dataset to automate image captioning, comparing CNN+LSTM and ResNet+GRU models using BLEU scores for performance evaluation.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1100
  • atharvapathak/Eye_For_Blind_Project

    In this capstone project, we need to create a deep learning model which can explain the contents of an image in the form of speech through caption generation with an attention mechanism on Flickr8K dataset.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0100
  • DarkKnightSgh/Text-Image-Text

    Text-Image-Text is a bidirectional system that enables seamless retrieval of images based on text descriptions, and vice versa. It leverages state-of-the-art language and vision models to bridge the gap between textual and visual representations.

  • Jerrinthomas007/Image-Caption-Generator

    Image Caption Generator using Python | Flickr Dataset | Deep Learning(CNN & RNN)

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0200
  • nitesh-dubey/Neural-Image-Captioning

    This Notebook Shows a Neural Image Captioning model using Merge Architecture in keras which generates captions for given image.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0200
  • prernasingh05/CodeClause_Image_Caption_Generator

    Image Caption Generator, a project aims to generate descriptive captions for input images using advanced predictive techniques.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0200
  • sreegeethi/Image-captioning-using-Attention-and-Merge-model

    Image captioning of Flickr 8k dataset using Attention and Merge model

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0100
  • VasilisStavrianoudakis/ImageCaptioning

    An Image Captioning implementation of a CNN Encoder and an RNN Decoder in PyTorch.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0200
  • Ash0508/Code_Clause_DataScience_Image-Caption-Generator

    Image Caption Generator is a project that aims to generate descriptive captions for input images using advanced predictive techniques

    Language:Jupyter Notebook