
There are 8 repositories under flow-kotlin topic.

  • pandelisgreen13/movieDB

    Android app using MovieDb Api with Jetpack Compose, MVVM Architecture with LiveData/Flow/Paging3, Coroutines, Room Database, Navigation Component and Hilt in Kotlin

  • ezatpanah/MVI-Architecture-SimpleTaskApp

    The purpose of this project series is to teach different architectures with different structures, and you can check these architectures and structures.

  • MohFahmi27/MyIntermediateAndroidSubmission

    Dicoding.com Submission for Belajar Pengembangan Aplikasi Android Intermediate

  • orogersilva/myweatherforecast

    A work-progress weather forecast Android app

  • candrajulius/training_employee_ptpn_3

    Aplikasi ini merupakan aplikasi internal untuk ptpn 3 yang dimana mereka bisa menambahkan karyawan di ptpn 3 serta menambahkan pelatihan berdasarkan karyawan

  • RickyAndMorty_MVVM_CleanArquitecture_Sample


    A simple application with the Rick And Morty API using some of the best practices in Android development.

  • EduDev06/MVIComposeProject

    This projects is based on MVI architecture using jetpack compose, room and retrofit as main libraries. Its functionality is easy to understand, through a remote search , we will search a name to find its gender, name, and other data. Moreover we will save the data and retrieve using room as database.

  • FlickFun/KinoPoiskLite

    This is an example of an Android application in Kotlin for searching movies and TV shows with authorization. Available description movies, add to favorites and save added movies on your smartphone. Get notifications when top movies change. Can be used offline for favorites and watched movies.
