There are 13 repositories under fluid-flow topic.
A multi-package for HVAC engineering written in Python.
As the field of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) progresses, the fluid flows are more and more analysed by using simulations with the help of high speed computers. In order to solve and analyse these fluid flows we require intensive simulation involving mathematical equations which governs the fluid flow, these are Navier Stokes (NS) equation. Solving these equations has become a necessity as almost every problem which is related to fluid flow analysis call for solving of Navier Stokes equation. These NS equations are partial differential equations so different numerical methods are used to solve these equations. Solving these partial differential equations so different numerical methods requires large amount of computing power and huge amount of memory is in play. Only practical feasible way to solve these equation is write a parallel program to solve them, which can then be run on powerful hardware capable of parallel processing to get the desired results High speed supercomputer will provide us very good performance in terms of reduction in execution time. In paper focus will be on finite volume as a numerical method. We will also see what GPGPU (General-Purpose computing on Graphics Processing Units) is and how we are taking its advantages to solve CFD problems.
Software to simulate heat transfer and fluid flow in additive manufacturing using OpenFOAM
Open-source preprocessing tool that can create, at the required level of accuracy, a fully conformal uniformly distributed grid for a given realistic fracture network. This leads to a robust way of constructing a hierarchy of Discrete-Fracture-Models for uncertainty quantification of energy production from reservoirs with natural fracture networks. Preprint of the paper related to this code can be found at: https://doi.org/10.1029/2021WR030743
PyChemEngg is a python-based framework to promote problem solving and critical thinking in chemical engineering.
JutulDarcyRules: ChainRules extension to Jutul and JutulDarcy
LOFT - Lagrangian Offline Flow Trajectories
A MATLAB-based tool used for generating 2D complex and geologically significant fracture networks. Originally developed as part of the master thesis of Andrea Sartori (http://resolver.tudelft.nl/uuid:d20ab3d6-a63d-41b2-b74d-198a3f3f44c5) and later extended by Stephan de Hoop (https://doi.org/10.2118/203968-ms).
Modeling multiphase flow in fractured porous media using DARTS: a simple DFM example. See https://darts.citg.tudelft.nl/ for more information
A finite volume-based LBM solver is developed and verified using canonical flow problems
A research and analysis on transport phenomenon in 3D Printers.
The notebook shows the principle behind the minimum incremental pore volume (MIPV) and estimating the effective pore-throat radius (EPTR) as outlined in steps in the paper above.
Python scripts for generating OBL tables and XML-files for simulating multiphase reactive transport using the GEOSX platform (https://github.com/GEOSX/GEOSX).