
There are 4 repositories under font-recognition topic.

  • JeffersonQin/YuzuMarker.FontDetection

    ✨ 首个CJK(中日韩)字体识别以及样式提取模型 YuzuMarker的字体识别模型与实现 / First-ever CJK (Chinese Japanese Korean) Font Recognition and Style Extractor, side project of YuzuMarker

  • mehrdad-dev/persis

    Official github repository, Persis: A persian font recognition pipeline using convolutional neural networks.

  • ImMohammadHosseini/FontRecognition

    :sparkles: Font recognition using deep neural networks. :boom: This repository includes an implementation of Article "DeepFont: Identify Your Font from An Image" :fire: for font recognition and two transfer-learning models. :zap:

  • ReemKish/msc-computer-vision-project

    Project for the M.Sc. course "22928 Introduction to Computer Vision" of The Open University of Israel.
