
There are 12 repositories under food101 topic.

  • yingyichen-cyy/JigsawViT

    (Pattern Recognition Letters 2023) PyTorch implementation of "Jigsaw-ViT: Learning Jigsaw Puzzles in Vision Transformer"

  • gauravreddy08/food-vision

    An end-to-end CNN Image Classification Model which identifies the food in your image

    Language:Jupyter Notebook17237
  • dimgag/deepfood

    Deep Food Image Recognition Project

    Language:Jupyter Notebook3100
  • JBall1/Food101-CNN

    From preprocessing to building a CNN for the Food 101 Dataset

  • vishalrk1/SeeFood

    a web App and Mobile app to classify food dishes and then to display recipe of that food

    Language:Jupyter Notebook20
  • codernayeem/food101-blog

    A Food image classification of 101 classes with EfficientNetB0 and streamlit

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1100
  • radioapple/food-classifier

    A neural network that can identify 101 different foods from an image. The "Final Model" section contains model weights for EfficientNetB2 + a classifier block that gives a top-1 accuracy of 73.2% and a top-5 accuracy of 91.2%. The models are all trained on the Food101 dataset.

  • tcanbolat/FoodIDentify

    Food 101 Classification Model

  • terasakisatoshi/chainer-food-101-revised

    An example of Chainer software that use Food-101 dataset

  • MrCosta57/food_gan

    An implementation of one personal project to gain experience with Generative Adversarial Network models and in particular on Wasserstrein GAN with gradient penalty. The final application's purpose is to generate synthetic images given a food category.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0100
  • R-Madhuram/Food-Image-Classification

    CNN Image Classification Model which identifies the food in your image

    Language:Jupyter Notebook00
  • Abhinav1004/Food101-Kaggle-

    Gives the solution of Food101 Kaggle problem

    Language:Jupyter Notebook