
There are 66 repositories under forex-prediction topic.

  • Forex-Bot

  • ForexPred

  • Forecasting-of-Forex-Market-Based-on-Deep-Learning-and-Hyperparameters-Optimization

    Using Hybrid model based on LSTM we predict the daily closing price of the index based on the historical data available. Using KerasTuner These models were trained, and automatically evaluating different components and design decisions, and their results were measured. Finally, we analyzed and clustered our results in order to know the characteristics of each cluster.

  • Forex-DQNN

    Forex prediction using DQNN

  • deeptrading-tfserving-python

    Tensorflow serving client implementation for trading.

  • nafi

    DeepRL para Forex Trading

  • market-pulse

    An API to monitor and suggest trends in the world FOREX markets. Responses include consolidated indicator values, market status and general currency trends (predictions).

  • EURUSD_LSTM_Attention

    This project is dedicated to forecasting 1-hour EURUSD exchange rates through the strategic amalgamation of advanced deep learning techniques. The incorporation of key technical indicators—RSI, MA, EMA, and VWAP—enhances the model's grasp of market dynamics

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2
  • quant-analysis-cli

    Quantitative analysis CLI for Forex and Cryptocurrencies.

  • V20py

    Wrapper for oandapyV20 and associated projects

  • USD-EURCurrencyPairPrediction

    A Time-Series Machine Learning project aimed at accurate predicting curreny pair exchange rates using ARIMA, SARIMA and LSTM.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1
  • project_fynance_indicators

    " Indicadores - Forex "

  • trading_monitor

    tradingmonitor Is online forex trade monitor app where you can monitor everything related. React component for rendering the TradingView Advanced Real-Time Chart Widget.

  • forex-forecasting

    Project on Foreign Exchange Forecasting, for the Μ401 - Deep Neural Networks course, NKUA, Fall 2022.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1
  • ejtraderRL

    Reinforcement learning Trading envoriments

  • market-forecast

    Cryptos, stocks, or Forex: Which is better to trade? Forecast with Streamlit

  • forex-data-science-with-jupyter

    Forex Data Analysis Using Python And Jupyter Notebook

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1
  • 4xlots-extra

    Extra files for use with 4xlots Forex RIsk Management Web Service, see for more information

  • Time-Series-Support-Vector-Machine

    This repository provides a comprehensive exploration of Support Vector Machine (SVM) techniques applied to time series data, with a focus on financial FOREX price forecasting. It includes detailed code and examples, such as the 'Support Vector Machine Model.ipynb' notebook, which demonstrates preprocessing, model development and evaluation.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook
  • factory

    Automatic and configurable Forex Factory event notifier.

  • Pattern-Mining

    KES-USD Forex Pattern Mining project. Forex dataset accessed on the Central Bank of Kenya website

    Language:Jupyter Notebook
  • RNN-Forex

    This project uses RNN(LSTM) to make predictions about the forex exchange between USD and Euro.

  • Project_Machine_Learning

    EUR/USD price direction Prediction using machine learning algorithms

    Language:Jupyter Notebook
  • forex-prediction

    KRW (Korean Won) exchange rate prediction using Neural Networks [PL]

    Language:Jupyter Notebook
  • currency-forecasting


    Predicts future movements in the value of the Canadian dollar versus the Japanese yen using Time Series Modelling and Regression Analysis.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook
  • Ginger

    Forex Trading Bot for RSI Overbought and Oversold Signalling

  • Python-forex-event

    Python application to track macroeconomic events on forex.

  • LiveCurrencyConverter

    Python program to convert one currency to another including bitcoins.

  • fti-general-use-terms

    The general terms of use of the FTI app :