
There are 13 repositories under fossil-fuels topic.

  • DarioHett/entsoe-client

    Formulate human-readable queries and retrieve data from ENTSO-E into pandas.DataFrame format.

  • mikulina/BPF-Island-Pulse

    This is the Open Source Repository for the Island Pulse energy gauge ( which reports how much electricity the island of Oahu is using at any given time and where that energy comes from, whether it's wind, solar, or fossil fuels like coal and oil.

  • RIEEE-EDS/cdiac-dashboard

    An interactive dashboard for exploring detailed carbon emission data from fossil fuels and the manufacture of cement.

  • SensesProject/fossilfuels

    A learn module dedicated to fossil fuels and risks associated with investments.

  • ymorsi7/CarbonVista

    Site uses JavaScript to calculate the user's carbon emissions based on vehicle type and daily distance traveled.

  • abdullah-23/Global-Fossil-Fuels-Consumption-Growth

    Contains a raw Excel dataset on global fossil fuel consumption growth, and a cleaned version of the dataset where I've used Spreadsheets software to clean and improve visualization of data.

  • B-FfF/stadtwerk-mit-zukunft

    Campaign web page for B:FfF (Bündnis fossilfreies Flensburg) accumulating data on the Stadtwerke Flensburg GmbH

  • colliers95/Trump_vs_climate_web_scraping_project

    A web scraping project in Scrapy, looking at trends in energy generation before and during the Trump administration

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0000
  • mnperic/australian-energy

    A study of Australian electricity and energy generation, usage and trade based on state, fuel-type and energy source.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0100
  • ramongss/2019-CBIC-WindEnergy

    :zap: Very short-term wind energy forecasting based on stacking ensemble | :oil_drum: Previsão da produção brasileira de petróleo com base em uma abordagem híbrida

  • UNSW-CEEM/Pacific_Islands_Energy_Balance

    An online web application that presents the latest available energy related data for Pacific Islands Countries and Territories (PICTs)

  • Uri-Marom/asset_fossil_classification

    Fossil Classification of assets, used by the Israeli Clean Money Forum

    Language:Jupyter Notebook00
  • ostermanj/fuel-prices

    Calculator / visualizer of price changes for specific fossil fuels under different carbon tax levels.
