There are 7 repositories under fractals-juliaset topic.
The code uses the HTML5 canvas element to render the Fractals, and it utilizes the requestAnimationFrame() function to continuously draw new points on the canvas. It also includes a feature to plot the dots in the Fractals depending on the distance from the origin, with a color gradient that ranges from green to red.
YAFE: Yet Another Fractal Explorer. Repository implementing the visualisation of the Mandelbrot, Multibrot and Julia sets over the Complex Plane, as well as, a generalisation of them into the 3D space. It also implements the visualisation of some IFS Fractals.
A project focused on creating a program that generates and visualizes various fractals using parallel processing and graphical libraries.
Application written in C++ that allows generating fractals from the Julia set and saving them as a bitmap.
Algorithm that generates fractals based on the Julia Set
Experiments on fractals (1D, 2D and 3D) with Julia Lang, and Python. I love fractals. This repository is an attempt to do justice to that love.
A port of that renders on Adafruit RGB LED matrix