
There are 147 repositories under frontenddevelopment topic.

  • Wiazeph/Front-End-Development-Resources

    An excellent repository of resources for Front-End Development.

  • tomaszbujnowicz/frontie

    Frontie is a front-end boilerplate. Gulp | Twig.js | Sass | Autoprefixer | Browsersync | Bootstrap 4 Grid System & Responsive Breakpoints

  • abokmadaki/OPAY-WEBSITE-CLONE


  • ChinmayKaitade/Milestone-Project-iNeuron

    This Project Milestone Repository for Web Development 2.0 - iNeuron Contains Projects that are Created During Milestone Exam .

  • alisamirali/udemy-clone

    Online Courses - Learn Anything, On Your Schedule | Udemy

  • BibekRai44/Harvest-Nepal

    delivering agriculture solutions using machine learning and Flask

  • developer-rak/nike_shoes_hcj

    Nike Shoe Website using html css js

  • OpenCodeChicago/ChicagoSliceHouse

    This repository is part of our practical frontend workshop, where participants will use HTML and CSS to build a simple yet visually appealing pizzeria website based on a design created in Figma.

  • OpenCodeChicago/HTML-CSS_fundamentals_part2

    This repository delves into the box model, flexbox, and key layout techniques in CSS. We explored margin, padding, and the differences between content-box and border-box. Additionally, we introduced the flexbox layout model, which provides a flexible and efficient way to arrange items within a container.

  • Live-Table-Editor-PHP-JS-MySQL


    A Live Table Editor like Microsoft Excel and Google Sheets From Scratch Using HTML, CSS, Core PHP, Vanilla JavaScript, and MySQL Database, With my Live Table Editor You can edit your data in database directly from an HTML table in Real-Time without any page refresh.

  • SwamiTheDev/Profile_card

    šŸŒŸ Introducing the Profile Card project! Unveil my skills and discover my social media presence with mesmerizing glassmorphism and neumorphism effects. šŸŒˆ Experience a responsive design and a user-friendly interface.

  • AmolShelke2/Covid-landing-page

    Landing page created with HTML, CSS and JavaScript, The page we are building is to help and raise awareness and prevention for covid19.

  • elkhiari/DevOps-Scrum-SpringBoot-Angular-Projects

    Explore DevOps, Scrum, Spring Boot, and Angular through hands-on projects. From basic concepts to advanced applications, dive deep into modern software development practices.

  • SwamiTheDev/movies

    The "Movie Info Finder" project aims to provide users with comprehensive movie details and highlight the top-rated films succinctly.

  • EugeneKuhot/632047-keksobooking-21

    Study project

  • masiimc/olineShop

    An online store using javascript

  • rankdeveloper/fyloDarkThemeWeb-frontedMentor-challenge

    It is fylo dark theme landing page challenge by Frontend Mentor and coded by me. Language used HML and CSS and little bit JavaScript

  • Shreekant-04/50-Html-Css-JavaScript-mini-projects

    a collection of 50+ mini projects to enhance your HTML, CSS, and JavaScript skills. Each project is designed to teach and challenge you with practical examples, covering a wide range of web development concepts and techniques.

  • Akash-298/

    This is personal portfolio. Here you can find all about me, my projects, my skills and contact.

  • Ali-Umed/Calculator

    A calculator web application built using React and TypeScript Tailwind css. It features a responsive design and a customizable theme switcher for light and dark modes and 3 theme for darkMode and 3 theme for light mode.

  • alisamirali/trelloboard

    A Trello-inspired board designed to assist in organizing and tracking project tasks and advancements, featuring an intuitive and aesthetically pleasing interface.

  • alisamirali/write-stream

    WriteStream is a next-generation platform designed to facilitate seamless real-time collaboration on documents.

  • AmolShelke2/user-management

    a CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) application using React to manage users. Used a publicly available API JSONPlaceholder ( to fetch a list of users.

  • avikasch/four-card-feature-section challenge

  • CodeWithLoremHacker/Our-Team-Section

    This is a responsive and visually appealing display of our talented team members. With a clean and modern design, our team section adapts seamlessly to various screen sizes, ensuring an optimal viewing experience for users across devices.

  • deva-246/Automates-access-communication-system

    It's a ERP web application developed with python, which enables automatic payroll management, attendance calculation and Inter department data maintenance and communication

  • eltonlazzarin/login-nextjs

    Login page build with NextJS

  • githubAmanKumar/bubbleGame

    bubbleGame practice from youtube channel sheriyans coding school

  • githubAmanKumar/Tic-Tac-Toe-JS


  • Imtious-coder/A_Music

    A music lyric finder. You can find any available music lyric on this site.

  • Joyontokarmakar/web-desgin-component-library

    This project is made for store all of my designed component for website design and development by using various kind of css and js library. This project is made with Nuxt-js. I hope I will able to store all kind of component. In future I will upload JavaScript functional component. for more of my work, you can visit my github profile ( If you want to know about me, please visit ( Thank You.

  • NagiPragalathan/ReadyPlayerMeIntegaration

    This project demonstrates character controls using Three.js, integrated with Ready Player Me avatars.

  • tokhy1/TailwindCss_Manage_Landing

    Manage Landing Page is a sleek and modern landing page template designed for ease of use and customization.

  • Vivekyd6/libraryapp

    This is library app frontend web application built with ReactJS, JavaScript , Bootstrap, and API. It allows users to search the books by title or authors . Features View a list of books with their titles, authors. Search for books by title, author, or subject.

  • wlauton/qr-minator

    Uma aplicaĆ§Ć£o web que gera QR Codes a partir de texto ou URLs fornecidos pelo usuĆ”rio. O objetivo Ć© entender a integraĆ§Ć£o de bibliotecas JavaScript de terceiros e permitir personalizaƧƵes como a seleĆ§Ć£o da cor do QR Code e a inclusĆ£o de uma imagem central como logo.

  • Yashi-Singh-1/Social-Links-Profile

    This challenge is a simple yet stylish Social Link Sharing Profile, perfect for showcasing and sharing all your social media profiles. The design focuses on usability, ensuring a great user experience with interactive elements.
