
There are 22 repositories under frosted-glass topic.

  • Vinayak-09/

    Advance attractive personal portfolio website. It looks like chatting bot. Same design as Whatsapp chat. Lightweighted, Fast. Easy to use.

  • adriancarriger/frosted-glass

    ❄️ Add a live frosted glass blur effect over any type of web content, including text.

  • iamgio/froxty

    :icecream: iOS frosty/translucent effect to JavaFX.

  • kivy-garden/frostedglass

    FrostedGlass is a widget with translucent frosted glass effect, that creates a context with the background behind it.

  • kishan-dhankecha/blurrycontainer

    A Flutter package to create a frosted glass effect on a container.

  • Kibibit/kb-frosted-cards

    Make Cards and Popups blur everything behind them.

  • fr0st-iwnl/wallz

    ⛅ \\ All of my wallpapers in one repo.

  • mjwebs/tailwindcss-frosted

    A TailwindCSS plugin that provides a set of frosted classes to create a modern illusion of layering for modals and slide-over elements.

  • funky-dev99/Frosted-Glass

    Introducing GlassBox: a Flutter widget for adding a frosted glass effect to your UI elements. Enhance your app's aesthetic with customizable dimensions and a subtle, elegant blur. Perfect for modern, visually appealing designs.

  • LuXo-AlEx/Frosted-Glass-By-Gibbu-Edited-My-Way

    This is a theme by gibbu but I customized it my way. (This theme is not mine. It belongs to Gibbu

  • V4SS3UR/BlurredBackground.WPF

    BlurredBackground.WPF is a WPF library that allows implementing a frosted glass effect in their applications. By adding a blur effect to the background of UI elements without interfering with the content.

  • Migrim/Glassmorphism-Clock

    This project is a digital clock designed with a glassmorphism style. I created this project to learn and explore the glassmorphism design trend

  • NSTechBytes/ModernSearchBar

    Modern SearchBar is a minimalistic Rainmeter skin designed to provide a sleek and functional search bar right on your desktop. It features a clean, modern aesthetic, and integrates seamlessly with Rainmeter to offer a smooth user experience.

  • NSTechBytes/WeatherSurvive

    Weather Survive is a Rainmeter skin that displays real-time weather information, including temperature, windspeed, and current weather conditions (e.g., clear, rain, thunderstorm). It retrieves data using a PowerShell script that fetches weather information from Open-Meteo API.

  • NSTechBytes/YourStart

    YourStart is a minimalistic Rainmeter skin designed to provide a sleek and functional start menu right on your desktop. It features a clean, modern aesthetic, and integrates seamlessly with Rainmeter to offer a smooth user experience.

  • Xapu1337/frosted-gray-mainsail-theme

    Frosted Gray - a minimalistic mainsail & fluidd theme with a sleek acrylic look

  • arifian853/frosted-glass-design

    Frosted Glass Design with HTML and CSS only. JavaScript in this web only used for modal popup.

  • hllqk/hexo-butterfly-css


  • NSTechBytes/ModernBar

    ModernBar is a sleek and modern Rainmeter skin featuring a frosted glass effect and customizable shortcut icons. It is designed for simplicity and functionality, allowing users to quickly access their favorite apps and websites directly from their desktop.

  • NSTechBytes/ModernIcons

    ModernIcons is a customizable Rainmeter skin that serves as a sleek and functional Dock for your desktop. This skin allows you to add shortcut icons for easy access to your most-used applications, websites, or folders. It’s designed to enhance your desktop aesthetics while keeping it simple and efficient.

  • NSTechBytes/ModernVolBrig

    **Modern Volbrig** is a sleek and modern Rainmeter skin designed for both functionality and aesthetics. With a frosted glass style and support for both white and dark modes, this skin provides an elegant way to control your system's volume and brightness directly from your taskbar.

  • PaddeCraft/

    My website.
