
There are 29 repositories under fuel-cell topic.

  • ECSHackWeek/impedance.py

    A Python package for working with electrochemical impedance data

  • opem


    OPEM (Open Source PEM Fuel Cell Simulation Tool)

  • ECSIM/pem-dataset1

    Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) Fuel Cell Dataset

    Language:Jupyter Notebook9171824
  • gopem


    GUI for OPEM library

  • ECSIM/dbfc-dataset

    Single DBFC Dataset

    Language:Jupyter Notebook244103
  • AIRicky/Awesome-Fuel-Cell

    A collection of papers and code on fuel cell techniques and its application in distributed energy systems and mobility.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook23304
  • Zahner-elektrik/Thales-Remote-Python

    Library for using Thales Remote Script 2 over TCP/IP with Python to control Zahner ZENNIUM potentiostats.

  • michaelfsb/hydrogen-energy-storage

    This project is in development. It is my attempt to MathWorks' Excellence in Innovation Project 204. This work will be part of my MSc in Automation and Systems Engineering at the Federal University of Santa Catarina.

  • gassraphael/AlphaPEM

    AlphaPEM is an open-source software package for simulating proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC) systems using physics-based models for embedded applications.

  • Zahner-elektrik/Zahner-Analysis-Python

    Python package for the analysis of electrochemical impedance spectra.

  • no2chem/soss-js

    Javascript interface to California Hydrogen Station Operational System.

  • yuefan98/nleis.py

    A NLEIS toolbox for impedance.py that provides RC level nonlinear equivalent circuit modeling (nECM) and analysis

  • Zahner-elektrik/zahner_potentiostat

    Library to control Zahner power potentiostats (PP2x2, EL1002, XPOT2) of the latest generation with Python.

  • no2chem/soss-cli

    CLI interface to the California Hydrogen Fuel Cell Station Operational Status System (SOSS)

  • tinypersimmon/lbnl

    Model of porous electrode in fuel cell catalyst layer. Affiliated with Berkeley Lab's Energy Technologies Area.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook3101
  • Zahner-elektrik/Zahner-Remote-Python

    Examples to control Zahner power potentiostats (PP2x2, EL1002, XPOT2) of the latest generation with Python.

  • FeasibleSoftware/RFB

    Redox Flow Battery modeling.

  • OnDemandFuelCells


    On Demand Fuel Cells (ODFC) is a plugin to support fuel cells that only generate power when it is needed, thereby saving precious fuel. Simulates fuel cells in Kerbal Space Program (KSP), and do a better job of it than stock's use of a resource converter. The main difference is it only generates electricity when it's really needed (batteries almost empty), and otherwise lets electricity of a craft float up and down, as it might in a solar powered vehicle when the sun is eclipsed by another celestial body. It also allows fuel cells to generate byproducts, aimed at supporting life support mods like TACLS.

  • c-randall/2D_porous_flux_model

    Modeling 2D porous flux (multi species) for NR flow through support

  • c-randall/nafion_swelling

    A 1D model of a Nafion thin film with absorption/desorption kinetics, water diffusion, and swelling.

  • weasal/HBOI_BMFC_SUM22

    Here is the work from the Summer 2022 FAU REU for Renewable Energy utilizing Benthic Microbial Fuel Cells. This years work was done by Brandon Kelly under the supervision of Dr. Jordon Beckler.

  • Zahner-elektrik/Thales-Remote-Cpp

    Library for using Thales Remote Script 2 over TCP/IP with C++ to control Zahner ZENNIUM potentiostats.

  • zer0Kerbal/FuelCells

    These modules are an alternative to solar panels, also offering way better weight and endurance than batteries. They are set to last for 14 (Kerbin) days, so they should be useful for missions for which solar panels are not a suitable option due to aesthetics or such. Operation is fairly realistic. For KSP.

  • IrradiatedParts


    Hot Beverage Inc - Scalding Hot Parts! Now with more irradiation! For Kerbal Space Program.

  • teji82830/Multi-input-Converters

    Constant power output from photovoltic cells using buck converter.

  • Z-NEV/Project-Z-NEV

    Project: Z-NEV is a global, open source collaboration to design and build a modular zero-net energy vessel. All are welcome.

  • anirudh-ramesh/awesome-electrochemistry

    A curated list of awesome resources on electrochemistry (particularly energy storage). PRs welcome!

  • IGH2A/FUSION-MAP-Documentation

    FUSION-MAP is an ontology development project for green hydrogen field, representing the domain knowledge specifically related to systems data management/design and computational materials science.

  • Jobenland/Temperature-Dependence-Analysis

    Temperature Dependence Analysis to generate CSV's of given cell test data
