
There are 65 repositories under full-stack-developer topic.

  • k8w/tsrpc

    A TypeScript RPC framework, with runtime type checking and serialization, support both HTTP and WebSocket. It is very suitable for website / APP / games, and absolutely comfortable to full-stack TypeScript developers.

  • sfbrigade/adopt-a-drain

    A web application that allows citizens to "adopt" a storm drain in San Francisco. In use, and in development at other brigades. Looking for a maintainer or someone interested in developing further in collaboration with others across the country.

  • SartHak-0-Sach/Coding-bootcamp-testimonials-slider_frontend_project

    Introducing the Coding Bootcamp Testimonial Slider, a dynamic component showcasing reviews from participants of our coding bootcamp. Experience the resposive optimal layout on any device screen size and sleek design to persuade any visitors to buy it. Get insights into the coding bootcamp experience with this interactive testimonial slider today!!✨

  • Amitpnk/interview-questions

    Full stack developer - Interview Questions & Answers

  • ayushsoni1010/ayushsoni1010

    Ayush Soni Portfolio | Github

  • JavierCanon/developer-roadmap

    Roadmap to becoming a web developer in 2022

  • sgnd/sgnd

    GitHub Profile

  • Ashutosh102/DevFolio_-full-stack-developer-portfolio

    DevFolio is a full stack developer portfolio...yeah you heard it right..full-stack. It has features like live chat, js mailer, js fetcher from json and exceptional css animation😊👍👋

  • developeratul/portfolio

    The official repository of my portfolio site

  • Ashutosh102/Full-stack-Professional_portfolio_com_blog

    Created this amazing professional portfolio com blog site using Sanity DB, Node backend and React front-end with Framer motion JS library animations👀😎✨✨...cool

  • Ashwin-Dev-P/dev-stores

    E-commerce web application with fully functional payment integrations such as Paytm , Paypal , RazorPay . Tech stack used: Django(Python web framework) , PostgreSQL . Hosted using Heroku.

  • devblogs/devblogs-newsletter

    📪 A modern newsletter service for full-stack web developers.

  • Sayan3990/Sayan3990

    Github profile: Sayan Bhattacharyya

  • williamlims/williamlims.github.io

    Profile for professional contact. You can find me by email, williamlims@hotmail.com or whatsapp/phone +55 16 992316575.

  • aeamaea/ckcs145

    Code for the CKCS145 Fall 2023 Full Stack Developer course with Mihal Miu (Toronto Metropolitan University)

  • Alierenkayhan/Alierenkayhan

    I'm am Ali Eren Kayhan. 💻 Junior Software developer | Full Stack Developer | Dotnet, React, Django, C#, Python |🌱 Senior Student @ CET BOUN

  • atakannalkan/atakannalkan

    💻 My GitHub Profile Intro

  • CodingRanjith/10-Days-of-Bootstrap.github.io

    10 Days of Bootstrap Learning challenge is a step by step to learn Bootstrap in 10 days.

  • jepbura/Jepbura

    Hi there to all of you. I'm from Iran, and my name is Javad.

  • OnlyGlapor/kelkel

    👋 Kelvin Nimely's Developer Profile A glimpse into the world of Kelvin Nimely, a passionate programmer and emerging full-stack developer. Learn more about my skills, interests, and coding journey!

  • otahina/Travel-Tracker-FullStack-Project

    🌏Explore the world, mark your worldwide adventures with a click! 📌 This full-stack project 🗺️ is perfect for beginners, featuring interactive maps, user accounts, and secure data storage in the database! 🗄️

  • RicardoGEsteves


    About me, my profile README.md . Let's connect.

  • shariful10/Next-Portfolio

    Hi, I am Md. Shariful Islam. I am a passionate Web Developer with expertise in MERN Stack Development. I strive to create visually appealing and user-friendly websites that work seamlessly across devices. I stay updated with the latest industry trends and enjoy collaborating with clients to deliver modern and innovative solutions.

  • waleedcodes/waleedcodes

    My Github README File

  • Harry-Hub-5455/full-stack-java-Crash-Course

    “Someone who can work on both the back-end and front-end of systems.

  • jake-billings/jake-billings

    This repository contains GitHub pages hosting, build tools, and static content for my personal website and portfolio

  • sadiqabubakar526/MY-ISLAM

    Sharing with the muslim community, a little place where they can find quote, prayer times, and multiple useful services.

  • sanajitjana/Resume

    This repository contains my latest resume

  • thatanjan/portfolio

    This is the portfolio website of Full Stack Developer Anjan Shomodder.

  • thisismemukul/thisismemukul

    I’m a designer who codes, with 3+ Years of Experience. Full-Stack Developer with 2+ years of experience leading front-end and back-end with the ability to perform well in team/individual. I am skilled in competent C++ programmer and writing application interface code via Javascript and ReactJS with workflows such as REDUX framework and MVC architecture. I build websites, react-native apps, and graphics that delight and inform.

  • Zyphaex/portfolio

    Sam Hillier - Computer Science graduate and Full Stack Developer based in Nottingham.

  • Maysker/3devent

    An interactive 3D web page celebrating the New Year, built with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Perfect for festive season greetings.

  • SimraanK/My-Portfolio

    Personal Portfolio Website (Work in Progress) This repository is under development and contains the source code for my personal portfolio website. The front-end development of the website is nearing completion, and I'm excited to dive into the back-end functionality using Django.

  • andrewhamerly/andrewhamerly

    ☀️ During the day, I build & maintain websites for entrepreneurs. 🌙 At night, I attend the Case Western Reserve University full-stack developer program.

  • GabrielDSousa/react-resume

    This project is a personal resume website built with React, showcasing a clean and responsive design. It incorporates various best practices, including reactivity, accessibility, and integration with external tools like Glitch.com. The website provides an interactive and visually appealing way to present a professional resume.
