
There are 9 repositories under fullstackapplication topic.

  • jonypeixoto/full-stack-web2-projects

    Using Web 2.0, all projects that I divide into 4 categories: front end web, back end web, full stack web and apps.

  • Suraj-kumar00/DevsDiscord

    Making a Discord clone with implementation of DevOps practices

  • george-mountain/Classic-Food-Delivery-System---Django

    This is a mutivendor food delivery application built with popular python web framework (Django). In this system, multiple vendors can register their restaurants Customers can register and order any food from any vendor. The customers can either pay with PayPal or other payments method.

  • chat_app


    A realtime chat app made with React, Express, Nodejs and Socket.io.

  • ascendantaditya/ngl

    BUILDING NGL IN MY WAY: That App Which is used to send messages anonymously with some AI Integration

  • chandra-prakash-reddy/user_registry_ui

    UserInterface for Accessing Employees Data with CRUD operations enabled on data with CI/CD powered by azure devops

  • muhammadalizkhan/CCC.

    CCC. [Content Creators Co] is Product based Application where Client and Service Provide Content with Each other

  • xararas/Movie-Booking-System-in-Java

    The goal of this software project was to develop a Movie Booking System application in which the user could view a list of available movies from the system and book seats for a specific movie, date, and time. Furthermore, the system could recommend movies and games according to the user's booked movie.
