
There are 13 repositories under fxml-files topic.

  • TheRedSpy15/The-Trail

    Remake of "Oregon Trail" in Java, with a sci-fi-ish theme to it!

  • ArifMahmud-RP/LightBrowser

    A Web Browser Project- developed with Java and JavaFX.

  • Petrovich-A/JavaFX

    This is a simple app on Java digned applying JavaFX. It represents a simple form with a filter, which displays the given data from the database. The filter allows you to display the results of a SQL query and retrieve an employee list based on the text request and the item (id, personnel number, name, surname) you select from a drop-down list.

  • clauf14/Appointment-Aplication-in-Java

    Football Appointment Aplication - it is a application where you can create your account, log in to your account and make an appointment for you and your friends at a Football pitch - designed with JavaFX and connected trough a MySQL relational database using EclipseLink and with entities generated by JPA.

  • ekta18/Attendance-Management-System

    Attendance Management System developed for keeping a record of daily student attendance with Java, fxml and MySQL database to store attendance details and user authentication.

  • ImpulseTheFox/springfxmlexample

    Example of using Spring with JavaFX FXML (and Maven)

  • ShanjidaHossain/Connect4

    Connect Four is a two-player game with "perfect information". This term describes games where one player at a time plays, players have all the information about moves that have taken place and all moves that can take place, for a given game state. I have implement this game using Scene Builder, which is a design tool that enables you to create a graphical user interface (GUI) by dragging and dropping components right onto the content panel. While you design the view with Scene Builder it generates a file with the name extension .fxml, which contains XML-like tags with attributes that reflect your design. I have also used cascading style sheets (CSS). The file with .fxml extension contains the GUI represented by XML-like tags. Each JavaFX event is inherited from javafx.event.Event, which has such fields as source and target.

  • abdelmalek-roshdi/collaborative-ToDo-List

    a notebook desktop app for agile projects and workgroups

  • Nauruz-Guliev/SemesterWorkJava2

    City Capture Strategy Game

  • Small-am/SchoolProjects

    These consists of coding projects I have done throughout my college semesters. All have achieved high marks for execution, following standard coding conventions, and no bugs.

  • TimarVagyok/BigMacApplication

    Restaurant application with JavaFX and fxml files with SceneBuilder

  • kurenai


    Estudos de JavaFX.

  • lucadebeir/PolyShare

    Projet OOSE - IG4 2018 - Polytech Montpellier - Application pour faciliter l'entraide entre étudiants au sein d'une même filière
