
There are 16 repositories under game-theory-model topic.

  • indrag49/QGameTheory

    General purpose toolbox for simulating quantum versions of game theoretic models. Quantum versions of models that have been handeled are: Penny Flip Game, Prisoner's Dilemma, Two Person Duel, Battle of the Sexes, Newcomb's Paradox, Hawk and Dove Game and Monty Hall Problem.

  • phelps-sg/r-heuristic-games

    An R package called empiricalGameTheory which provides methods for analysing heuristic games using empirical game-theory.

  • adam-rumpf/trilevel-mcnfli

    A program for generating computational results for a research project of mine involving a trilevel network interdiction game on an interdependent network.

  • rVSaxena/multi_leader_follower_game_agri_market

    Implements an Multi Leader Follower (L/F) model and solves for L/F Nash Equilibrium

  • zeyus/FLAMEGPU2-Prisoners-Dilemma-ABM

    A prisoner's dilemma agent based model simulation for investigating effects of differing strategies on emergent behaviours and spatial patterns with configurable environments.

  • adam-rumpf/trilevel-mcnfli-trials

    A collection of programs used to generate test cases for the main solver of a research project of mine involving a trilevel network interdiction game on an interdependent network.

  • kunaldu/Game_Theory_DRDO_Internship

    All files of the code executed in Matlab for the DRDO internship 2016-2017

  • dariomadeo/IGM

    Matlab scripts for the estimation and simulation of the Infection-Game Model (IGM), developed in the submitted paper "Identification and Control of Game-Based Epidemic Models" by Dario Madeo and Chiara Mocenni ({dario.madeo, chiara.mocenni}

  • TheLoggicalOne/BettingGames

    Analyzing Betting Game and its applications specially in poker

  • williamaredal/Catan-Simulator

    Every Catan player's playground for simulating N games and looking at the simulation's stats and strategy to prepare for your next Catan game. The simulations explore possible strategies by random choices, sheer numbers and sorting functions to reveal strategies hard to think of on your own.

  • wilzet/tourney

    Parallel game theory tournament

  • cmsette/solveSimplex

    Evolutionary game theory solver for R. Classifies internal and face equilibria of 1-population games with continuous replication, 2-5 competitors. User-defined payoff matrix.

  • Lawrence-Leung/2024-COMAP-Project

    Investigating Population Diversity, Sex Ratio Dynamics, and Resource Utilization: Insights into Lamprey Species within the Multispecies Ecosystem of the Great Lakes
