
There are 22 repositories under gasoline topic.

  • hudsonbrendon/sensor.drivvo

    Custom component for information about your car's status available on for the home assistant

  • GpxFeed/campgrounds

    Camping site pois (points of interest) and camper supplementals in the GPX format - OSM based - Europe mainly - Campings - Campingplätze - Campeggi - GPS - Navigation

  • robertoggarcia/gasolinerasApi

    API para la consulta del registro de estaciones de servicio gasolineras y precios comerciales de gasolina y diesel proporcinado por la comisión reguladora de energia.

  • RundesBalli/tankersparnis

    :de::fuelpump: Tankersparnis Portal zur einfachen Berechnung des gesparten Geldes beim Tanken von Gas gegenüber herkömmlichen Kraftstoffen.

  • Flerex/spain-gas

    A PHP client to get information about Spain's gas stations and fuel prices, directly from the Spanish government's Geoportal Gasolineras.

  • jeckonov/Econometrics

    Filters (kalman, hodrick-prescott, moving average) together with comparison and sensitivity analysis (in notebook filters_with_parameters)+var analysis and granger causality test. Test for random walk (CE currencies using yfinance API)

    Language:Jupyter Notebook4102
  • digao-dalpiaz/FuelCalc

    React App to Calc Car autonomy with Gasoline and Alcohol

  • JEntler/opis-python-api

    OPIS RealtimePriceService Web Service Python API

  • ChinchiGit/gasolineHackFase2

    GasolineHackFase2 es una aplicación fullstack desarrollada con React en el frontend y Express con SQL en el backend. La aplicación ofrece una solución integral para encontrar las gasolineras más económicas, permitiendo a los usuarios realizar búsquedas por provincia, radio o ubicación cercana.

  • jPablo23/CombustibleV1

    Control de combustible para vehiculos de una empresa, Open Source

  • Mohamed-Elhawary/oily

    Oily is an E-commerce website for selling different types of oil brands, up to +9 internal pages. It depends on JSON API to get the products.

  • Suntrakanesh/Level-measurement-using-telegram

    Compactible level measurement and forewarning in Petrol Bunk using Telegram

  • glezdiazh/BIOFUELS.PTML

    BIOFUELS.PTML: AI-Driven Design of Eco-friendly Gasoline or Biofuels blends

    Language:Rich Text Format0201
  • mithereal/ex_gasoline_price

    fetch gas rates from

  • peter-ehmann/Gas_Mileage_Analysis

    Analysis of my car's gas mileage & other factors (e.g., gas price, location, company) from May 2019 - present.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0100
  • tdex/abastececar

    Descubra quanto de gasolina é preciso abastecer para percorrer determinada distância

  • bell-kevin/MilesPerGallonOfGas

    SDEV 2210 Project. Create a project that calculates miles per gallon for a given trip, and accumulates the miles and gallons to calculate an overall MPG for the vehicle. Create a class named MPG that includes private instance variables for miles, gallons, and mpg, which are doubles. Add class variables for totalMiles, totalGallons, and totalMPG, which are doubles, and numTrips, which is an integer. Create a constructor which accepts 2 double parameters, one for miles, one for gallons. Inside the constructor, set the instance variables for miles and gallons, and calculate the mpg. Add to the class variables for totalMiles and TotalGallons, and increment the number of trips. Create an instance method named displayCurrentMPG( ) which displays the MPG variable for a specific trip object. Create a class method named displayTotalMPG( ) which calculates and displays the overall MPG for all of the trip objects. The driver class will instantiate 4 trips, display the MPG for each trip, and display the overall MPG. For the sample session, use the following values: Trip1: miles = 320, gallons = 29 Trip2: miles = 325.8, gallons = 32.1 Trip3: miles = 412.5, gallons = 35 Trip4: miles = 345, gallons = 32.6 Note that these 4 trips test all the possible combinations of variable types – 2 integers, 2 doubles, 1 integer and 1 double, 1 double and 1 integer. It’s always good practice to test all possible situation. Once the program works as it should to match the sample session, run the project twice more, with different numbers for every trip, and take screenshots of the results.

  • dkxce/RusPetrolGrabber

    Получения карты заправок с сервиса RusPetrol (KMZRebuilder plugin)

  • dkxce/TransitCardGrabber

    Получения карты заправок с сервиса TransitCard (KMZRebuilder plugin)

  • luizcarvalho/gasotoca

    Gem to get fuel prices of Palmas Tocantins

  • PabloViana12580/laboratorio3_datascience

    Laboratorio numero 3 de la clase Data Science para predecir series de tiempo en predicción de importaciones de gasolina

  • Motorcycles


    🏍️ Single seat vehicles with one, two, three and four axles.