
There are 4 repositories under gauss-elimination-method topic.

  • apurva313/Numerical-Method

    Join me in discovering innovative solutions for mathematical challenges. From optimization to simulations, let's journey through the realm of algorithms together.

  • kiranmukesh7/Computational-Astrophysics

    Semi-automated root finding, Interpolation, Gauss Elimination method, LU Decomposition, Linear Algebra, Numerical Analysis - integration, differentiation, Newton cotes, Monte Carlo, Ordinary Differential Equation (ODE) solver, Curve Fitting, Signal Processing, Convolution, Correlation, Fourier Transform, Search Methods and many more

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1100
  • mndxpnsn/gauss-elim-benchmark

    Benchmarking three different methods for computing the inverse of a matrix.
