There are 14 repositories under gaussian-naive-bayes-classification topic.
Navie Base Classifier for classifiing imdb comments
Understand and Run Naive Bayes Algorithm on Dry Beans dataset
Machine Learning algorithms from-scratch implementation. It covers most Supervised and Unsupervised algorithms. Homework assignments and Projects for graduate level Machine Learning Course taught by Dr Manfred Huber at UTA during Spring 21
This is the repository for the EDAN95 - Tillämpad maskininlärning (Applied Machine Learning) course given at Lunds Tekniska Högskola (LTH) during the Fall 2019 term.
ML methods used for vehicle ECU Classification along with simulating the intrusion.
A model to extract comments from a YouTube video to create a dataset and to apply sentiment analysis that provides the YouTuber with a better understanding of viewer sentiment distribution.
This is a project that was done for the Skill4U machine Learning program. This project is a Spam email classifier using machine learning. This model uses Gaussian NB algorithm to train the model.
Supervised Machine Learning models and Neural Networks trained on a bevy of feature extractors for Sarcasm Detection with a better Pre-processing approach
Prediction of creditworthiness for issuing a credit card
Classifying species for Iris samples using different ML algorithms (Logistic Regression, K-Nearest Neighbor, Support Vector Machines with different kernels, Gaussian Naive Bayes)
A prediction model based on ML as well as DL and compare their performances to find Churned Customers
Bayesian inference implementation and comparing accuracy against Sklearn
This repository contains the code for a machine learning project - Diabetes Prediction. In this project, a model is built to find the relationship between the features and the associated outcome and classify the patient as Diabetic or Non-Diabetic. The Gaussian Naive Bayes Classifier Model is used for this purpose.
Implementation of different types of machine learning algorithm and there performance comparison on a same dataset