
There are 14 repositories under gaussian-naive-bayes-classification topic.

  • AsadiAhmad/Naive-Base-Classifier

    Navie Base Classifier for classifiing imdb comments

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1510
  • havelhakimi/DryBeans

    Understand and Run Naive Bayes Algorithm on Dry Beans dataset

    Language:Jupyter Notebook8100
  • ligerfotis/CSE6363_Machine_Learning

    Machine Learning algorithms from-scratch implementation. It covers most Supervised and Unsupervised algorithms. Homework assignments and Projects for graduate level Machine Learning Course taught by Dr Manfred Huber at UTA during Spring 21

  • jonathanloganmoran/EDAN95-Applied-Machine-Learning

    This is the repository for the EDAN95 - Tillämpad maskininlärning (Applied Machine Learning) course given at Lunds Tekniska Högskola (LTH) during the Fall 2019 term.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2100
  • sumitshrestha104/InVehicleSecurityECUClassification

    ML methods used for vehicle ECU Classification along with simulating the intrusion.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2101
  • Chan-dre-yi/SEN-TUBE

    A model to extract comments from a YouTube video to create a dataset and to apply sentiment analysis that provides the YouTuber with a better understanding of viewer sentiment distribution.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1101
  • Hamas-ur-Rehman/Email_Spam_Classifier

    This is a project that was done for the Skill4U machine Learning program. This project is a Spam email classifier using machine learning. This model uses Gaussian NB algorithm to train the model.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1100
  • N-4-V/Sarcasm-Detection-Models

    Supervised Machine Learning models and Neural Networks trained on a bevy of feature extractors for Sarcasm Detection with a better Pre-processing approach

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1101
  • GabrieleCarl/creditworthiness

    Prediction of creditworthiness for issuing a credit card

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0100
  • parikshitshinge/iris-species-classification-model

    Classifying species for Iris samples using different ML algorithms (Logistic Regression, K-Nearest Neighbor, Support Vector Machines with different kernels, Gaussian Naive Bayes)

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0200
  • PratanuP/Bank-Customer-Churn

    A prediction model based on ML as well as DL and compare their performances to find Churned Customers

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0100
  • Ahmed-Walaaeldin/Bayesian-Inference-classifier

    Bayesian inference implementation and comparing accuracy against Sklearn

    Language:Jupyter Notebook10
  • deepankarvarma/Diabetes-Prediction-Using-Binary-Classification

    This repository contains the code for a machine learning project - Diabetes Prediction. In this project, a model is built to find the relationship between the features and the associated outcome and classify the patient as Diabetic or Non-Diabetic. The Gaussian Naive Bayes Classifier Model is used for this purpose.

  • prabhatk579/machine-learning-algorithms-archive

    Implementation of different types of machine learning algorithm and there performance comparison on a same dataset

    Language:Jupyter Notebook10