
There are 48 repositories under gdelt topic.

  • linwoodc3/gdeltPyR

    Python based framework to retreive Global Database of Events, Language, and Tone (GDELT) version 1.0 and version 2.0 data.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook19885052
  • abresler/gdeltr2

    modern gdelt wrapper for r

  • narayave/Insight-GDELT-Feed

    A way for home buyers to know about factors affecting a state

  • linwoodc3/gdelt2HeaderRows

    A file that contains the schema for GDELT 2.0 Header rows for the Events Database.

  • albertovpd/automated_etl_google_cloud-social_dashboard

    A dashboard is worth a thousand words =>

  • aamend/spark-gdelt

    Binding the GDELT universe in a Spark environment

  • akshayakp97/TL-DR

    An end-to-end event extraction and summarization system.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook21112
  • Cyclododecene/newsfeed

    Newsfeed based on GDELT Project

  • internetarchive/newsum

    Daily TV News Summary using GPT

  • albertovpd/analysing_world_news_with_Gdelt

    I'm a curious person and analysing world news is fun. Here I'm gathering all my Gdelt-related projects.

  • gisfromscratch/gdelt-notebooks

    Sample notebooks for using the Global Database of Events, Language and Tone (GDELT).

    Language:Jupyter Notebook15236
  • panchicore/es-gdelt

    Indexing GDELT database into Elasticsearch, entire database including the -each 15 minutes- real time events

  • ahazeemi/RevDet

    Robust and Memory Efficient Event Detection and Tracking in Large News Feeds

  • maelfabien/Cassandra-GDELT-Queries

    A Cassandra Architecture for GDELT Database 🌍

  • yesemsanthoshkumar/pygdelt

    An easy to use interface for GDELT datasets

  • insurgent-dynamics


    A hybrid system dynamics-time series method for conflict analysis using GDELT

    Language:Jupyter Notebook7412


    Premise of Task: Contextual Alert and Trend System (CATS) is a proof of concept (POC) for an automated system for near real-time media monitoring via GDELT to identify trends and anomalies in the volume of online reports about pre-defined indicator events, at country level. This repository reflects the methodologies used to complete this task.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook6203
  • sharma-n/global_event_analytics

    Big data analytics using Hadoop on GDELT global news dataset.

  • albertovpd/analysing_controversial_public_figures_gdelt

    Research: Are the spanish media not publishing controversial articles? Is Gdelt tagging everything? Check out the Readme. Dashboard =>

  • chickymonkeys/gdeltDataAcquisition

    A simple Python script to filter and acquire data from the GDELT Project Event Database.

  • jvallyea/NewsMap

    Visualizing global news headlines in over 65 languages in real-time!

  • dblilienthal/GDELT-Research-In-The-South-Pacific

    In this research, we quantify foreign actors media events in the South Pacific involving an environmental theme. We use the GDELT (Global Database of Events, Language, and Tone) database to compare the tones of articles produced by Western, Chinese, and South Pacific (Local) media sources that involve an environmental theme and when a great power (United States, China, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, and Russia) is involved as an actor. We found when comparing Western, Chinese, and Local news sources, the average sentimental analysis of Western tones is negative, the average of Local tones is slightly positive, and the average of Chinese tones are very positive. When comparing the difference in means by each set of news sources, we used the Welch’s two sample t-test because the distribution of Western, Chinese, and Local tones followed a normal distribution but had unequal variances among the groups. After conducting our statistical analysis, we found there is strong evidence to conclude the difference in means of tones between the three media sources are statistically significant between each pairwise comparison.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook3200
  • JustinTimperio/gdelt-diff

    An Automated File Manager for Maintaining a Local Copy of GDELT Source Files

  • 7PH/world-wide-news

    World Wide News - 3D visualization of global world events of the past 30 days

  • aamend/texata-r2-2017

    This project has been created in a 4h time for the purpose of the Texata Big Data world championship.

  • albertovpd/automated_ML_regression

    ML regression within a Cloud Function to infer unemployment searches on Google, in Spain, 4 weeks in advance =>

  • colinsimon/Global-News-Analysis-Using-Cloud-Tools

    Ensemble classification of global news data from gathered using Google Cloud BigQuery

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2101
  • lamastex/spark-gdelt-examples

    Example applications of GDELT mass media intelligence data

  • MatthiasPicard/fake-news-detection

    Project achieved with the MICS laboratory and Airbus Defense and Space

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2100
  • MrinalJain17/gydelt

    Wrapper for accessing and pre-processing data from GDELT

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2201
  • ocramz/gdelt-hs

  • aksl20/GDELT-Explore

    GDELT Fu-Fu

  • mijapa/Praca_dyplomowa

    This work aims to analyze political events and search for patterns in them based on the data of the GDELT project.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1100
  • Unbiased


    A platform to serve moderators and researchers to leverage open data to understand and further research in Wikipedia edits contribution based on geospatial and temporal event distribution

  • yfiua/gdelt-downloader

    Parallel GDELT data downloader with date filter
