
There are 93 repositories under gender-equality topic.

  • ina-foss/inaSpeechSegmenter

    CNN-based audio segmentation toolkit. Allows to detect speech, music, noise and speaker gender. Has been designed for large scale gender equality studies based on speech time per gender.

  • tolga-b/debiaswe

    Remove problematic gender bias from word embeddings.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2418589
  • wimlds/starter-kit

    A starter kit for new chapters of WiMLDS

  • gender-render


    Template-system and proof-of-concept for rendering gender-neutral text-, email- and RPG-text-templates with the correct pronouns of all people involved.

  • waxim/Gins

    Gins - A gender/pronoun library for PHP

  • safeherven/safeherven_app

    A mobile application that supports victims of Gender-Nased Violence, harmful practices and other traumatic experiences.

  • alainakafkes/clarifaing-gender-roles

    Using Clarifai Python API & Bing API to tag images of STEM professions, plus d3.js for viz.

  • amity/gender-neutralize

    Chrome extension to turn unnecessarily gendered words into their neutral alternatives across the web.

  • epic-win


    Un recueil de termes et expressions genrées et leurs équivalents épicènes, pour des interfaces plus inclusives :)

  • namsor/namsor-r-sdk2

    NamSor API v2 R SDK - classify personal names accurately by gender, country of origin, or ethnicity.

  • columnistos/columnistos

    Código de @columnistos y sus hermanas

  • sneha-belkhale/gender-word-plots

    Quantifying a gender bias in the media

  • gganssle/data-day-tx-2018

    Evaluation of gender bias in a graph-based classification algorithm.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook9204
  • CodeForAfrica/GenderGap.AFRICA

    GenderGap.AFRICA is a tool designed to help users calculate the gender pay gap in any African country. Accessible at

  • theodm/gender-assistenz

    Anwendung zur Erkennung von generischem Maskulinum in deutschen Texten und Erstellung von Korrekturvorschlägen zum Gendern.

  • ds-modules/GWS-131

    Charis Thompson module

    Language:Jupyter Notebook6700
  • AymurAI/dev

    This is the repository for the backend, AI models and API development of AymurAI

    Language:Jupyter Notebook5330
  • ds-modules/IAS-150

    Module for International Area Studies

    Language:Jupyter Notebook5902
  • cusyio/cusy-design-system

    Richtlinien für Benutzeroberflächen, Code-Beispiele, Designtools und Ressourcen

  • daconjam/Detecting_Gender_Bias

    The primary goal of this project is to detecting and examining gender bias in news articles

    Language:Jupyter Notebook4201
  • darenr/gender-bias

    Real-time Javascipt gender bias detector

  • namsor/namsor-java-sdk2

    NamSor API v2 Java SDK - classify personal names accurately by gender, country of origin, or ethnicity.

  • namsor/namsor-javascript-sdk2

    NamSor API v2 Java SDK - classify personal names accurately by gender, country of origin, or ethnicity.

  • AnantGupta001/GIGGLE

    WE Giggle is a non-profit organization dedicated to empowering women and helping them reach their full potential. Our programs and services are designed to provide women with the tools and resources they need to succeed in all aspects of their lives.

  • benoitchamot/MovieNerd

    An interactive dashboard built on JavaScript and Python (Flask) to show information about movies ratings and gender inequalities in the film industry.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook3202
  • HR-Analytics-KPI-Dashboard-using-Power-BI


    This project leverages data analytics to gain insights into gender diversity and inclusion within the company. The Power BI dashboard and KPIs allow HR and management to track important metrics, identify issues, and make informed decisions to improve the representation and experience of all genders in the workforce.

  • GoodbyteCo/Directed-By-Women

    See what percentage of the films you've watched were directed by women.

  • Alexis12119/GenderAndDevelopment

    Project in IPT222 and CC226

  • arajni3/Gender_Wage_Gap_Analysis_And_Visualization

    Analysis and visualization of the gender wage gap dataset from OECD using MySQL, the PyMySQL and Pandas modules from Python, and Jupyter Notebook.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2100
  • JavierBJ/gender-politics-twitter

    Scripts used for development of my Master's Thesis "Analyzing Twitter data to discover gender biases in Spanish politics" at Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya and Barcelona Institute of International Studies

  • kescobo/gender-comp-bio

    Analysis code for _Women are underrepresented in computational biology: An analysis of the scholarly literature in biology, computer science and computational biology_

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2402
  • leanguardia/gender-pay-gap-uk

    Data Analysis of UK companies gender pay gap reports.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2200
  • Yuttttian/MSBA-hackthon

    2022 Aggie Hacks x Google Cloud Hackathon of Gravity Team

  • anadiedrichs/TP-LLMs

    Unstable and experimental repository. Activities to pass the LLM course at CEIA FIUBA

    Language:Jupyter Notebook10
  • gizemoge/Women-in-Datathon-2024

    Placed first 🥇 — predicts gender wage gap via multiple linear regression using impact of health, labor force participation, gender roles, and political representation.
