
There are 30 repositories under geneticalgorithm topic.

  • Nirvana-cn/Genetic_Algorithm


  • camilolaiton/Artificial_Intelligence

    Here are some programs made with Python and JavaScript (p5.js) related to artificial intelligence.

  • ZviRosenfeld/GeneticAlgorithmEngine

    A parallel Genetic Algorithm Engine

  • Mario_DeepLearing


    유전알고리즘과 인공신경망을 활용허여 마리오 학습

  • Francy93/AI-Projects

    Explore the world of Artificial Intelligence with these Java projects! Implement the Perceptron, DFS for puzzles, and Genetic Algorithm from scratch without ML libraries. Solve classic problems and learn AI concepts. 🤖🔍🧬

  • SourangshuGhosh/Evolutionary-Deep-Neural-Network

    This is a software code for Evolutionary Deep Neural Network. Evolutionary Deep Neural Networks train neural networks using an evolutionary algorithm

  • alexhaislip/Oden_Biohacking

    At The ODIN, we believe the future is going to be dominated by genetic engineering and consumer genetic design will be a big part of that. We are making that happen by creating kits and tools that allow anyone to make unique and usable organisms at home or in a lab or anywhere.

  • benjimaclellan/aesop

    Inverse design framework for photonic systems

  • jasonma1127/GeneticAlgorithm

    Using Gene Algorithm to find the maximize solution of the following problem Maximize𝑓(𝑥,𝑦)=−𝑥𝑠𝑖𝑛(4𝑥)−1.1𝑦𝑠𝑖𝑛(2𝑦)+1 8≤x≤10; 10≤y≤13; x+y≤22 Expect to get maximum 23.0063 at (x,y)=(9.039,11.802)

  • brewczynskib/geneticalgorithm

    Program learns how to shoot the target

  • GeneticAlgorithm
  • mohammad95labbaf/PSO-GA-Strategy-Optimization

    This repository focuses on optimizing a trend-based trading strategy for the EURUSD currency pair. By combining PSO and GA, the goal is to maximize returns while minimizing risk. The strategy considers buy and sell signals based on Supertrend and EMA conditions, with a fixed commission of 3 pips per trade.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2100
  • nimagarshasebi/TSP-Genetic

    This project implements a Genetic Algorithm to solve the Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) using Python. The Traveling Salesman Problem involves finding the shortest possible tour that visits a set of cities and returns to the starting city.

  • divshekhar/decipher

    Breaking transposition cipher using metaheuristic algorithms

  • ifenglin/Evolutionary-Random-Forest

    Evolutionary Random Forest: a genetic algorithm enhanced random forest learning model

  • IFFranciscoME/Genetic_Net

    Trading System with Genetic Programming for Feature Engineering, Multilayer Perceptron Neural Network, Logistic Regression with Elastic Net Regularization and Support Vector Machines with L1 Regularization for Predictive Models and Genetic Algorithms for Hyperparameter Optimization.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1
  • mariammarques/GAsSudoku

    Computational Intelligence for Optimization Project @ NOVA IMS Authors: António Cymbron | Duarte Redinha | Maria João Marques Lisbon, Portugal | June 2022.

  • STProgrammer/GA-classification

    Classification of positive and negative IMDB movie reviews with neural network, training with SGD and Genetic Algorithms comparison

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1200
  • STProgrammer/GA-simulation-simple

    Demonstration of Genetic Algorithm with simple simulation in Python

  • anandavj/GATSP

  • gasgustavo/GA

    Algoritmo genético aplicado ao problema da mochila multidimensional e a um problema real: rotulação de dados de ações na B3.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0100
  • nima-parandavar/genetic_algorithm

    Genetic Algorithm

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0100
  • shaimaaK/N-queens-GA

    The project analyzes the N-Queens problem and defines the cost function, solution represntations as(Phenotype, Genotype) where the Genetic Algorithm is applied and experimented with different chess board dimensions (N x N)

  • ayushsharma-crypto/Genetic-Algorithm

    Demonstration of working of Genetic-Algorithm to reduce Overfitting.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook101
  • Damian2057/Intelligent-data-analysis-techniques

    A repository containing the implementation of data analysis algorithms

  • EnriqueMoran/geneticAlgorithm

    Simple genetic algorithm library with examples

  • kozlu/School_Class_Scheduler

    Class, teacher and lesson scheduler using adaptive-elitist genetic algorithm.

  • SamLucas/AlgoritimoGenetico

    O objetivo com o algoritmo genético é calcular a quantidade de gerações necessárias para se ter pelo menos um jogador bom na maioria dos jogos que exija um nível bom de características intelectuais, agilidade e ações rápidas.

  • sfuhrm/geneticalgorithm

    Genetic algorithm Java library for explorers
