
There are 2 repositories under genome-on-diet topic.

  • CMU-SAFARI/Genome-on-Diet

    Genome-on-Diet is a fast and memory-frugal framework for exemplifying sparsified genomics for read mapping, containment search, and metagenomic profiling. It is much faster & more memory-efficient than minimap2 for Illumina, HiFi, and ONT reads. Described by Alser et al. (preliminary version:

  • CMU-SAFARI/GateSeeder

    GateSeeder is the first near-memory CPU-FPGA co-design for alleviating both the compute-bound and memory-bound bottlenecks in short and long-read mapping. GateSeeder outperforms Minimap2 by up to 40.3×, 4.8×, and 2.3× when mapping real ONT, HiFi, and Illumina reads, respectively.
