
There are 81 repositories under geochemistry topic.

  • softwareunderground/awesome-open-geoscience

    Curated from repositories that make our lives as geoscientists, hackers and data wranglers easier or just more awesome

  • GeoPyTool/GeoPyTool

    An application based on Python and designed as a solution for geology related daily work.

  • RichardScottOZ/mineral-exploration-machine-learning

    List of resources for mineral exploration and machine learning, generally with useful code and examples.

  • VirtualPlanetaryLaboratory/vplanet

    The Virtual Planet Simulator

  • pyrolite


    A set of tools for getting the most from your geochemical data.

  • ZJUEarthData/geochemistrypi

    an open-sourced highly automated machine learning Python framework for data-driven geochemistry discovery

  • GebPy


    GebPy is a Python-based, open source tool for the generation of geological data of minerals, rocks and complete lithological sequences. The data can be generated randomly or with respect to user-defined constraints, for example a specific element concentration within minerals and rocks or the order of units within a complete lithological profile.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook22313
  • thermohub/thermofun

    A code for calculating the standard state thermodynamic properties at a given temperature and pressure.

  • jesserobertson/earthchem-pyclient

    Python client for the Earthchem REST and OGC APIs

  • simulkade/PhreeqcMatlab

    Easily calling PhreeqcRM from Matlab

  • NumericalEnvironmental/Coupled_gas_water_transport_with_geochemistry

    A two-phase (water + gas) reactive transport model, written in Julia, that also simulates geochemical reactions between water-gas-mineral phases via a link with PHREEQC.

  • khaors/GQAnalyzer

    R package to analyze Groundwater, Geothermal water and Gas Geochemistry information

  • isoverse/isoreader

    Read IRMS (Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry) data files into R

  • jedick/CHNOSZ

    Thermodynamic calculations and diagrams for geochemistry

  • RichardScottOZ/Geoscience-Data-Quality-for-Machine-Learning

    Looking at the problems associated with geoscience datasets for data science

    Language:Jupyter Notebook8306
  • digis-georoc/Georoc_jupyter

    Interactive Jupyter notebook exploring the features of GEOROC 2.0. Demonstrates data access via API, data formatting, cleaning, resampling, and visualization for geochemical analysis.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook74
  • gferrsilva/geoquimica

    'geoquimica' is an open-source package built-in ≥ R 3.6.0 that gathers functions for assist on the exploration data analysis of geochemistry data. This package was built by researchers of the Geological Survey of Brazil.

  • mdaeron/D47crunch

    Python library for processing and standardizing carbonate clumped-isotope analyses, from low-level data out of a dual-inlet mass spectrometer to final, “absolute” Δ47, Δ48, and Δ49 values with fully propagated analytical error estimates.

  • phreeqc_web


    Run Phreeqc online with Python

  • Andros-Spica/cerUB

    R package for multivariate statistic protocols for integrating archaeometric data (geochemical, mineralogical, petrographic)

  • timpol/DQPB

    A GUI application for geochronology focussed on disequilibrium U-Pb ages. Can also be used for computing equilibrium U-Pb ages, performing linear regression and computing weighted averages.

  • timpol/pysoplot

    A Python library for geochronology.

  • alexweiranli/pyAp

    Package for ApThermo (melt hygrometry), ApREE2O3 (magma oxybarometry), and more (to be added).

    Language:Jupyter Notebook5102
  • charlesll/sulfur-magma

    FORTRAN code for prediction of sulfur redox state in magmatic liquids

  • davidbajnai/isogeochem

    isogeochem makes working with carbonate oxygen, carbon, and clumped isotope data reproducible and straightforward. Use it to quickly calculate isotope fractionation factors, and apply paleothermometry equations.

  • japetrus/VizualAge

    Add-on for iolite 2/3 that adds some additional U-Pb data reduction and visualization capabilities.

    Language:IGOR Pro5301
  • RADutchie/pygeochemtools

    A CLI based eclectic set of geochemical data manipulation, QC and plotting tools.

  • tmwProjects/GeoRoc_CLI

    GEOROC 2.0 CLI: A Python-based command-line application for extracting geochemical data from the GEOROC database. Outputs structured CSV files for further analysis.

  • globalseismology/avni

    Analysis and Visualization toolkit for plaNetary Inferences

  • arf-berkeley/web_geochemistry

    R-Shiny project for visualizing XRF and NAA geochemistry concentrations

  • charlesll/iron-magma

    FORTRAN software to calculate the redox state of iron in magmas

  • Felipe-UnB/Chronus

    Software to reduce U-Pb data obtained by LA-MC-ICPMS

    Language:Visual Basic38161
  • marcoalopez/ternary_plots

    no-fuss ternary plots in Python (using matplotlib)

    Language:Jupyter Notebook3201
  • mzhangrocks/Plateau-Growth

    This repository includes supplemetary datasets that are used to support the findings of a manuscript devoting to establishing the links between deeply-sourced volatile emissions and plateau growth dynamics.

  • RichardScottOZ/uncover-ml

    Machine Learning system for Geoscience Australia uncover project

    Language:Jupyter Notebook3101
  • gferrsilva/RioSalitre

    This code is part of the "Comparison of K-Means and Model-Based Clustering methods for drill core pseudo-log generation based on X-Ray Fluorescence Data" written by researchers of the Directory of Geology and Mineral Resources from the Geological Survey of Brazil – CPRM.
