
There are 8 repositories under geoinformation topic.

  • floledermann/coordinates

    Simple web app to show geo coordinates in two different coordinate reference systems

  • tnier01/SafeRouteToSchool

    An application to avoid accidents on your routes through the city of Münster. After submitting the route, different routes can be selected that avoid different risk areas where accidents are more likely to occur in Münster. All routes are displayed on a map, and it is possible to view additional statistics and to export the routes.

  • luisfelipebr/gridbr

    Easy access to the Brazilian statistical grid with R

  • martinAbsolute/

    A website for the department of geoinformation technology and space monitoring of the Earth made with Django.

  • MediaComem/modos

    Combining technological and social innovation, the modos research project combines citizen participation, geoinformation and machine learning to advance the state of the art on these issues.

  • GeowazM/GIS_fuer_Geomatiker

    Materialien & Daten für den Kurs "GIS für Geomatiker"

  • JaFro96/ParkingDataVisualization

    Geoinformation in Society project at the ifgi in Münster: Visualization of parking data in Münster

  • sjliu68/

    Shengjie Liu's Personal Website
