There are 20 repositories under getmapping topic.
APIs para una market en spring, la cual incluye el CRUD para operear los datos de productos, categorias y compras.Creando su documentación con swagger y implementando JWT con spring Security para darle seguridad a nuetsros servicio.
It is an simple JAVA API design using Spring Boot, Tomcat and "Json Web Token (Jwt)" based authentication. I used Amazon Web Service (AWS) and Mongodb to store my data. I implemented different types of Mapping eg. @GetMapping, @PostMapping, @PutMapping and @DeleteMapping
Spring Boot web app that integrates with a third party API, maps the JSON response to Java objects, and creates endpoints inside of a RestController returning a customized meal plan based on user inputed query parameters.
Spring Boot web app leveraging Apache Commons CSV library to import recipe data from a .txt file, maps the data to Java objects, stores in memory to an ArrayList, and creates RestController endpoints that filter the data
This project has Restful API's that allows us to manage to cricket data in the database using sprint boot JPA and Hibernate. By performing CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations on the cricket data
Guided By: Telusko [2.4 Spring MVC & Boot]
This is a basic web project that can be upgraded to work as well as possible.
Educational exercise from Wild Code School about routes management with controllers.
Educational exercise from Wild Code School about Spring Boot initialization and the creation of routes with a Controller.
SB REST Practice
Cricket Team is build By Using RestController, GetMapping, PostMapping, PutMapping, DeleteMapping, Override, PathVariable and RequestBody
Good reads by using RestController, GetMapping, Override and PathVariable
Goodreads We build by using Object Relational Mapping(ORM) in the Java Persistence API (JPA)
Hello World in Spring Boot by using RestController and GetMapping
Music Library is build By Using Spring Boot in java fundamentals are RestController, GetMapping, PostMapping, PutMapping, DeleteMapping, Override, PathVariable and RequestBody
This project has Restful API's that allows us to manage to Music Library data in the database using sprint boot JPA and Hibernate. By performing CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations on the Music Library data
Today's Date in Spring Boot by using import LocalDate, DateTimeFormatter, RestController and GetMapping.
This Spring Boot application provides a web interface for managing student grades. Users can create new grades, update existing grades, and view a list of all submitted grades.
This simple quiz app is built using Java Spring Boot and offers a fun, interactive way to test your knowledge with multiple-choice questions.
Spring Boot MVC implementations.