
There are 258 repositories under ghdesktop topic.

  • NaiboWang/CommandlineConfig

    A library for users to write (experiment in research) configurations in Python Dict or JSON format, read and write parameter value via dot . in code, while can read parameters from the command line to modify values. 一个供用户以Python Dict或JSON格式编写(科研中实验)配置的库,在代码中用点.读写属性,同时可以从命令行中读取参数配置并修改参数值。

  • anuragverma108/SwapReads

    This repo is officially accepted for GSSOC'2k24. is the ultimate online destination for book enthusiasts to connect, exchange favorite reads, and embark on literary adventures. Create your profile, list the books you're eager to swap, and join a vibrant community of passionate readers.

  • ShreyamMaity/student-offers

    A Collection Of All Free Student Offers & Discount while you are a student.

  • Suchitra-Sahoo/AgriLearnNetwork

    AgriLearnNetwork is a comprehensive platform designed to empower farmers with essential insights and resources for successful agriculture practices. Our platform serves as an indispensable resource, offering a holistic approach enriched with detailed guidance, in-depth knowledge and strategic management approaches across various facets of farming.

  • Gabboxl/FluentWeather

    A beautiful UWP weather app for Windows

  • Noteslify


    Your Privacy Friendly, Open Source. Alternative to EverNote.

  • Recode-Hive/Stackoverflow-Analysis

    Stack overflow is a professional community for developers. This repo analysis 3 years of developer Survey done by Stackoverflow and do visualization and predict the salary of Data Scientist in future.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1113200101
  • asrvd/AshTerm

    Terminal Styled Portfolio Website ˋ( ° ▽、° ) , a terminal style/styled portfolio website made with <3 using react.

  • apu52/METAVERSE

    🚀 Welcome to our GitHub repository, Officially accepted for GSSOC'24 🌟& SSOC'24🌟 Explore a dynamic collection of front-end projects, powered by HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and React. Join our community to contribute your creations 🎨, add features 🛠️, or squash bugs 🐛 in existing projects.

  • 0xvashishth/CalcHub

    🚀 A curated collection of calculators for various aspects of mathematics. Anyone with a little understanding of web development may design a unique calculator and make a pull.

  • singodiyashubham87/Draw-it-out

    An online Whiteboard application built using ReactJS & TailwindCSS utilising the HTML5 Canvas & the JavaScript Canvas API.

  • itskdhere/ChatGPT-Discord-BOT

    A Chat Synced Discord Bot using OpenAI ChatGPT API & Firestore Database 🚀

  • Daksh777/TakeABreak

    Tackle procrastination by using self-destructing tabs and boost your productivity.

  • devarshishimpi/stonecss

    A Revolutionary, Unbreakable CSS framework. Stone CSS. Official Website.

  • TAHIR0110/ThereForYou

    ThereForYou: Your mental health ally. Kai, our AI assistant, offers compassionate support. Track your mood trends, find solace in a secure community, and access crisis resources swiftly. We're here to empower your journey towards improved well-being, leveraging technology for a brighter tomorrow.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook65310773
  • amandp13/Cool-Scripts-Python-Nerds

    A collection of some cool python scripts.😍 Feel free to collaborate and add the best script you code.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook6431354
  • Sanchitbajaj02/palettegram

    A social media app to get designs and color palettes for designers by designer.

  • PranavBarthwal/cosmoXplore

    CosmoXplore, where the celestial canvas unfolds its mysteries before your eyes. Immerse yourself in a cosmic odyssey, as we harness the power of NASA's API to bring you a symphony of space resources.

  • iSaulX/DTMA-YouTube

    Chrome extension to remove the Youtube popUp to disable your adblock.

  • rnwonder/solid-date-picker

    A simple and reusable Datepicker component for SolidJS

  • devarshishimpi/DVS-Calculator-Windows-App

    The Only Calculator App You'll Ever Need.

  • TammyAlok2/Hactoberfest2023_ADSC2

    Welcome to the ADSC COMMUNITY

  • 0dminnimda/pynalyser

    Static Python Code Analyzer

  • JS-DSA


    JS-DSA is a comprehensive collection of data structures and algorithms implemented in JavaScript. This project is designed to be a helpful resource for developers, students, and anyone interested in learning about data structures and algorithms through practical JavaScript examples.

  • PB2204/Mobile-Number-Tracker

    The Phone Tracker CLI is a JavaScript package that provides a set of functionalities related to phone numbers, service provider lookup, and random location coordinate generation. It aims to simplify tasks such as phone number validation, retrieving service provider information, and generating latitude and longitude coordinates.

  • Yeasir0032/Discord-Clone

    A Discord clone built using Next.js, Tailwind CSS, and LiveKit, providing users with real-time text, voice, and video communication features.

  • MahadMuhammad/FirstContributions

    A step-by-step guide for everyone in getting started their open-source journey.

  • PB2204/Convert-JavaScript-To-Python

    Using this NPM package you can convert your JavaScript code to Python and then use it .

  • glizzykingdreko/DiscordWizard

    A powerful and efficient tool to clone and mirror entire Discord servers in real-time, using websockets and webhooks for seamless synchronization.

  • StalkStock


    A virtual trading website to practice trading stocks using virtual money.

  • PB2204/CPP-Google-Image-Fetcher

    My Image Fetcher Library is a C++ library that allows you to search for images on Google and download them to your local system. It provides a simple API for querying Google's Custom Search API and saving image results.

  • StudyPortal


    Study Portal is a place where students can collaborate on work and access everything else they need as a student.

  • bytemakers/Elite-Bot

    Elite Moderation Bot Free Version For Discord Source Code

  • 0xCyberGenji/maldev

    ⚠️ Malware Development training ⚠️

  • PB2204/Advanced-Math

    Advanced Mathematical Operations Library for JavaScript

  • akhilgkrishnan/CensorLabel

    Automated censorable content identification system for movie using deeplearning
