There are 12 repositories under git-emojis topic.
Simple git hook to provide strong guidelines for commit message with emojis
Co-author commits. A quick way to add co-author metadata to a Git commit via VS Code source control panel.
🛠 Git command wrapper, git emojis, generate changelog, get repo, branch, remote information and some git command tools. Git 命令包装器,生成 git 变更记录日志,获取 repo,branch,remote 信息和一些 git 命令工具。
Advanced Structure for vite with combo react, react-router-dom, styled-components, polished and ts. It contains advanced env support, integrate tailwindcss, easy and clearly to split chunks, external cdn url for node dependency. And some project's formatter like eslint, editorconfig, prettier, lint-stage, husky, commitizen
Advanced Structure for webpack 5.x with combo react, react-router-dom, styled-components, polished and ts. It contains advanced env support, integrate tailwindcss, easy and clearly to split chunks, external cdn url for node dependency. And some project's formatter like eslint, editorconfig, prettier, lint-stage, husky, commitizen
Advanced Structure for vite with template react and ts. It contains advanced env support, integrate tailwindcss, easy and clearly to split chunks. And some project's formatter like eslint, editorconfig, prettier, lint-stage, husky, commitizen
Advanced Structure for vite with combo vue 3.x, vue-router and ts. It contains advanced env support, integrate tailwindcss, easy and clearly to split chunks, external cdn url for node dependency. And some project's formatter like eslint, editorconfig, prettier, lint-stage, husky, commitizen
Advanced Structure for webpack 5.x with template react, react-router-dom, styted-components, polished and ts. It contains advanced env support, integrate tailwindcss, easy and clearly to split chunks. And some project's formatter like eslint, editorconfig, prettier, lint-stage, husky, commitizen
Advanced Structure for webpack 5.x with template vue 3.x and ts. It contains advanced env support, integrate tailwindcss, easy and clearly to split chunks. And some project's formatter like eslint, editorconfig, prettier, lint-stage, husky, commitizen
Advanced Structure for webpack 5.x with combo vue 3.x, vue-router and ts. It contains advanced env support, integrate tailwindcss, easy and clearly to split chunks, external cdn url for node dependency. And some project's formatter like eslint, editorconfig, prettier, lint-stage, husky, commitizen
Advanced Structure for vite with template vue 3.x and ts. It contains advanced env support, integrate tailwindcss, easy and clearly to split chunks. And some project's formatter like eslint, editorconfig, prettier, lint-stage, husky, commitizen
Label and emojify git commits with an intuitive CLI tool. (No memorisation requirements!)