
There are 38 repositories under gnews-api topic.

  • simranlotey/react-news-app

    This app displays the most recent news stories from around the world. The news is organised into categories, where users can click to access additional items. Users can explore several categories, including business, sports, technology, health, and science, as well as search for specific headlines.

  • dstark5/gnews-scraper

    GNewsScraper is a TypeScript package that scrapes article data from Google News based on a keyword or phrase. It returns the results as an array of JSON objects, making it convenient to access and use the scraped information

  • imharshag/News-App-using-.Net-MAUI

    A cross-platform news application built with .NET MAUI and MVVM architecture, featuring real-time news updates from the GNews API.

  • sakshamssr/GNews-API

    A Fast and lightweight Python API that search for articles on Google News and returns a JSON response.

  • Sreejit7/headlinex

    A News app to get breaking news from all over the world, as well as news specific to a category or country.

  • happy-mammal/timeliner-worker-service

    This is a worker service for the TimeLiner application. It collects, and filters the data from external API service and store it in the database as well as manages it and serves as first level source/data provider on which the TimeLiner GraphQL API depends.

  • jacquealvesb/trending-news-ml

    An app to check a news category using machine learning and trending news of a category using natural language processing

  • Opeyemi-Omotayo/Green-Living

    This project showcases my journey into the world of Firebase,. The core feature of this application is Firebase Authentication, which enables secure user login. But that's not all - I've taken it a step further by deploying the application on Firebase.

  • 9802HEMENSAN/Connect-to-World

    Personalized news application

  • anirudhhbehera/News-app-in-react.js

    React app which Request REST API for the news data and fetch within the app. I learned how API work what's is an API key how we can manipulate an API Request etc. I also learned how to deploy an react app directly from terminal using gh-pages.

  • darkshadow88/Telegram-Covid-News-Bot

    Telegram Bot | Covid | Python | Telegram Bot API | GNews API | Chat Bot

  • neerav1515/news_bot

    telegram bot for news and small talks

  • vaxad/GnewsScraper

    Curated an intuitive self-made news scraping API: diverse topics—business, health, sports, more. Get tailored updates by querying specific interests

  • vaxad/NewsDekho2.0

    Seamlessly access global insights powered by a self-made news API. Effortlessly explore and search news articles across various topics

  • AbhiCodes737/at-the-moment

    A ReactJS + Bootstrap CSS news website project where a user can perform registration operations - login, logout and manage their, read and search for articles from the GNews API, and ADMINS can manage the users. Supported by a Spring Boot Backend Service hosted on Render.

  • BhargavSandanala/Indie_Newz_React_app

    A tailor made News App based on React Library using react Class based components and through Gnews Api!!

  • evears/portal-noticias

    TP Final curso Angular San Juan TEC.

  • kanuos/welcome

    Vue Welcome App

  • MushahidAli/mushahid-search-engine

    A tool specifically designed to search for relevant content on WWW with less hits to keep it genuine using 'DuckDuckGo' API. It also has weather forcast widget implemented using 'OpenWeatherMap' API. It also makes use of '' API to pull relevent queries off the {news/weather} for the end user. Plus, it uses -> '' API for relate_news!

  • Rajangrg/covid19-tracker

    simple real-time data that display covid-19 information. This project was built using React, News API and open API for disease-related statistics

  • ranjeethkrao/news-feed

    Simple News Feed Angular+Electron app which makes use of the free GNews API to get news feed and display using bootstrap 4

  • talhakk/news-plugin

    Google news plugin

  • Vishesh7582/news-app-react

    Developed a React-powered application designed to fetch up-to-the-minute news updates. This app presents the latest news articles all around the world. The news are organized by categories on which user can click to view more articles. There are various categories users can browse!

  • 9802HEMENSAN/News-Voice

    Personalized news application

  • AbePlays/Footballio

    Work in Progress...

  • abhiishek23/ is a news website which dynamically fetches data from API . .The key feature of the project is its ability to filter category wise news and user friendly layout .. Note - Due to free API restrictions only 10 articles are fetch in one request hence articles are repeated after every 10 th article

  • AnujTiwari-Student/NewsApp

    My news app, built with React.js, leverages the GNews API to fetch real-time news data. The user interface is crafted using Tailwind CSS, ensuring a sleek and responsive design across all devices. Stay informed seamlessly with our intuitive, mobile-friendly news app.

  • isfanb/newsweb

  • manali-biswas/news-website-with-codespace

    PWA news website

  • NizarNadif/italy-news-covid

    a site in wich there is an italian news page and a page where it is represented the expansion of the corona virus in the whole world

  • OpDeep/aconews-final-deep

    ACONEWS is a modern news app that delivers the latest headlines using the GNews API. Featuring a responsive design, it offers dynamic news feeds, a powerful search bar, and customizable filters for categories, countries, and languages. Built with React and hosted on Firebase.

  • Prakhar1Pandey/GlobalGlance-A-News-App

    The modern web app delivers the latest news right to your browser, built with the power of React, the lightning-fast development tool Vite, and the comprehensive GNews API.

  • Rasujon3/blog-website

    Udemy 6th project

  • sophia17032002/acowale-news-app

    Acowale News Feed App - Machine Test

  • tadeasf/go_news_api

    Go-based news API that fetches and manages news articles from various sources, including trending topics and categories, with database integration and Swagger documentation.

  • webdevFaizan/InstaNews

    Insta NEWS is a REACT based single page application with front end and API calls. Designed to show us TOP Headlines using the NewsAPI and API. Simply visit to get updated with latest news. Included the most advanced Front end Web Development Features like Infinite Scroll, Responsive Top Loading Bar, Routers etc. The NewsAPI fetches the real time news data in the form of json file and the data is shown on the website in the form of Cards, and the website consists of different section, and country specific news viewing options as well. The modern front end websites now a days are made using Single page application, the Index.html file only contains a div element, and all the code injection takes place in the div. If we click on some link within the website, a new code is injected in the div, hence the page never reloads. This creates a very good user experience as well as saves a lot of server data and band width, especially for those components that are common to all the pages like navbar, hamburger menu, or side bar. This might be a small data for client but for a server handling millions of request per day, single page application is a huge plus.
