
There are 6 repositories under google-location-service topic.

  • MobileUpLLC/huawei_and_google_services

    Demonstration of usage of Huawei or Google services for Maps, Location and Analytics in different flavors

  • cosmoduende/r-google-location-history

    Explore your activity on Google with R: How to analyze and visualize your Location History. Find out how and how much you have allowed Google to track you, using a copy of your personal data.

  • wizardoftrap/News_Wave

    This open-source Android application serves as a comprehensive demonstration of a News and Weather app, showcasing the implementation of key features such as Recycler View, Volley Library for API calls, Glide Library for image loading from URLs, and Google Location Services for determining the user's location.

  • mohaxspb/huawei_and_google_services

    Demonstration of usage of Huawei or Google services for Maps, Location and Analytics in different flavors

  • granam180/uber-2.0

    Uber 2.0 with REACT NATIVE! (Navigation, Redux, Tailwind CSS & Google Autocomplete)

  • Hardish/Special-Offer-App

    Special Offer
