
There are 92 repositories under google-speech-recognition topic.

  • adrian-soch/NotCrash

    Making Roads Safer. Created @ Hack Western 6

  • Aniket31-coder/Voice-Assistant-God-s-Eye

    A Voice Assistant which performs searches, calculations, sends emails, captures photo, tells about the weather condition and reminds you of everything!!

  • aniketnk/google-SpeechRecognition-python-example

    Uses Google Speech Recognition to record a Transcript and adds it to a text file.

  • escottalexander/gcloud-transcription

    A short Shell script to speed along the process of getting set up with Google's speech-to-text API

  • fvalka/voicecontrol

    Super flexible, custom voice mail and call routing for Twilio controlled by a Telegram bot control interface using Google Speech to Text

  • glhr/speech

    Text-to-Speech and Speech-to-Text methods for Python

  • ishandeveloper/Speech_Recognition

    Speech Recognition and Text-To-Speech implemented using Google Text-To-Speech Service.

  • JairoDuarte/fskbot

    Réalisation d’un chatbot, pour les sociétés de télécommunication. Le chatbot repend aux différentes questions des clients comme un foire aux questions, par texte ou audio.

  • joyarzun/speeech

    Speech recognition with hotword offline detection for nodejs

  • KevinHeathHigh/note-taker-twilio

    Twilio App to record notes, transcribe and SMS transcription

  • KG-1510/SpeechChess

    A chess game powered by your speech!

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1100
  • Kontentski/voice_tg_bot

    This project is a Telegram bot that converts voice messages and video circles to text using the Google Speech-to-Text API.

  • marataj/VoiceTranslator

    A simple SSR translator app with speech recognition, created during exploring of the Django framework.

  • naidukarthi2193/SIH_2020

    Attention Span Detection

  • PranavPutsa1006/Gideon

    An interactive Voice Assistant program in Python designed specifically for Windows

  • pranay-009/Virtual-Assistant

    virtual assistant project that can perform multiple task created using python. Just like virtual assistants like Siri, Alexa we have "Alex" our own virtual assistant.

  • SergeyIvanovDevelop/Voice-Translator

    This repository contains the project code that allows you to call the speech recognition/synthesis services from Google, as well as the translation service from one language to another from the company Yandex from your own Android application.

  • sharon-ho/emotionji

    streamlining thoughts to emoji

  • shrijeet7/JARVIS

    J.A.R.V.I.S. - Just A Rather Very Intelligent System . It is a Voice Control Automated Desktop Assistant coded in Python mainly using Google Speech Recognition and Python’s Inbuilt Speech to text library and various other API.

  • technicianted/msspeech-gbridge

    Bridge service to enable using Google Cloud Speech client SDKs with Microsoft Cognitive Services Speech APIs

  • zestrixx/MultiWeb

    MultiWeb is a web app that provides several important day-to-day services like image compression, converting one file format to another, digital signature, messaging, calling, URL shortening, mail composing service, maps, and much more.

  • zestrixx/Personal-Assistant

    A personal assistant (mini Jarvis) developed using python

  • alprkrklc/speech-recognition

    Speech recognition and text to speech using Google services.

  • amaggat/PCRS-VN-Chatbot

    Chatbot service for PCRS-VN. A PCPartPcicker-inspired website to compare prices and compatibility of computer components on different Vietnam retailers online

  • amisha26/Expense-Tracker

    Expense-Tracker. State Management in React, Context API, Local Storage, Material UI, and how to create a scalable React folder structure.

  • arpy8/Voice_Bot_2.0

    This is a simple voice assistant script written in Python that can perform various tasks based on voice commands. The script uses the SpeechRecognition library to convert speech to text and then responds accordingly.

  • Darveivoldavara/whisper_model_evaluator

    WER, MER, WIL of Whisper vs Vosk vs Google transcribators comparator

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0000
  • itii-03/Voice-Based-Train-Enquiry-System

    Voice Based Enquiry System is the enquiry system which operates based on the voice input given by the user. There is no communication which is understood more appropriately than voice. This system too uses the voice commands and gives the required information in the form of voice. This project is developed using Python Programming language. This uses SQL Lite server for storing the information to be provided to the user. This uses mic to detect the voice from the user and uses the speech control to deliver the output in the form of text. Google speech to text converter would help convert the speech into text.

  • malavhmehta/quikslide

    Google Slides presentation generator that uses NLP and the Azure Cognitive API

  • razeen11/virtual-assistant

    A simple virtual assistant which acts for basic commands programmed in python

  • RBBE-corp/twobyfour

    Edutainment karaoke app built with Rails on backend to help learn japanese with the power of music.

  • dipp-12/simple-voice-command

    Simple voice command on python using Google Cloud Speech API

  • Panda4817/voice-assistant

    KEVIN, the voice assistant using Python 3 and Google Speech Recognition.

  • Vishagautam/Indian-Sign-Language-Recognition

    A deep learning based sign language recognition system for speech impaired people in India using Bag of Visual Words with Convolutional Neural Networks.
