
There are 255 repositories under googlecloud topic.

  • Speech2Text-for-Long-Audio-Files

    Perform SOTA Speech2Text on Long Audio Files with/without diarization Using Google Cloud Speech API

  • cloud-run-fun

    Adventures with Google Cloud Run

  • map-reduce-inverted-index

    Creating an Inverted Index of words occurring in a large set of documents extracted from web pages using Hadoop MapReduce and Google Dataproc

  • aido

    3D multilingual chatbot with interactive gestures, contextual conversations, persistent chat history, and personalized medical and mental health support.

  • Terraform-exam-StudyNotes

    This repository might help you to do a revision that helps to pass the Terraform Associate Exam

  • presentation

    Presentations from the GDG Cloud Chennai meetup event.

  • zombie-projects-watcher

    Helps control infra costs by pointing potential unused zombie Google Cloud Platform projects.

  • mig-static-egress-ip

    Assigning static IPs to Google Compute Engine Managed Instance Groups

  • spannerr

    A Go client for the Google Cloud Spanner REST API

  • gke-cicd

    This repository contains code and resources for implementing a robust Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) pipeline for deploying applications on Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE). The pipeline leverages Google Cloud Build and Cloud Deploy services to automate the deployment processes.

  • learn-gcp

    Study resources to learn Google Cloud Platform (GCP)

  • ComputeEngineGPU-Terraform

    Create Compute Engine with GPU and Terraform in Google cloud platform Example

  • edgetpuvision

    Google cloud edge TPU edgetpuvision research/learning repo

  • wp-cloud-run

    Ultimate WordPress setup on (GCP) Cloud Run, Cloud SQL & GCS buckets

  • Laughhub

    Laugh Hub is a hilarious bot with advanced AI voice assistance that offers fun conversations, funny stories, a meme generator, and three to four entertaining games. It's the perfect destination for anyone looking for a good laugh and a break from their daily routine.

  • Svaasthy

    Svaasthy project is a part of the Electrothon-4.0 Hackathon (winner in pandemic theme)

  • clouddigitalleader

    Welcome to the O'Reilly Cloud Digital Leader Crash Course hosted specifically for O'Reilly Media members

  • terraform-gcp-datadog-integration

    Terraform code to make the Google Cloud Platform to Datadog log collection integration easier.

  • map_my_walk

    A full fledge beautifull app. map my walk is based on Live Tracking System.This app is built with clean architecture, clean code, by using bloc pattern in Flutter..

  • Google-Cloud-Facilitator-Solutions-2022

    The GoogleCloudReady Facilitator program will provide you an opportunity to kickstart your career in cloud and get hands on practice on Google Cloud - the tool that powers apps like Google Search, Gmail and YouTube.

  • Set-up-and-Configure-Google-Cloud-Challenge-Lab

    This is step by step explanation of Set up and Configure a Cloud Environment in Google Cloud: Challenge Lab

  • google-filestore-backup-kubernetes-cronjobs

    Scheduled backup and disaster recovery solution for Google Filestore using kubernetes cronjobs

  • gcloud-kubernetes-mattermost

    Mattermost on Google Kubernetes Engine with Let's Encrypt

  • PodWave

    PodWave: podcasts generated by AI

  • run

    A lightweight utility for Node.js developers that simplifies creating, deploying, and monitoring serverless apps on Google Cloud.

  • Near-By

    Nearby application is intended for anyone who wants to quickly and easily find nearby locations, such as restaurants, ATMs, or other points of interest.

  • Cloud-Seekho-S04

    This is repository for challenge labs of cloud seekho season 4

  • google-compute

    Terraform code to create compute engine in google cloud and automation with Jenkins

  • demo

    Demo docker image

  • gae_flex_pandas

    Simple example how to use together Google App Engine Standard and Flexible Environment in one project.

  • SwarmsXGCP

    Deploy your agents on Cloud Run!

  • Kazushin

    Customizable TTS Chat Bot using OpenAI, Local AI & Google Cloud TTS/ElevenLabs

  • dialogflow-whatsapp-node

    Connect a Dialogflow Chatbot to Whatsapp using Node.js and the Messages API

  • gcp-k8s-gke-secrets-cloudbuild

    Test PoC Project on GCP with Spinnker Deployment Pipelines running on Kubernetes. Technologies Used: Dockerized Angular 7 App with Angular Material in One Kubernetes Cluster. The Angular App has the following features Authentication using OpenID Connect Sign-in with Google - Used OAuth 2.0 option provided by Google API Console Only Logged in users will be able to see the grid. It will load the data dynamically once the user scroll down. Dockerized Java API (Spring Boot, JPA, Hibernate Restful CRUD API) on another Kubernetes Cluster Continuous Integration & Continuous Delivery done using the following: Jenkins for CI Spinnaker for CD Cloud SQL (around 1,00,000 records)

  • nodejs-podcast-feed

    A simple functions based RSS feed for podcasts

  • alchemy_table

    Opinionated framework for working with Bigtable and BigQuery
