
There are 7 repositories under googlenewsscraper topic.

  • easonlai/google_news_content_scrape_and_analyze_with_gpt

    This demo repository illustrates how to use Python to scrape news articles from Google based on a given keyword. The scraped articles are then processed by Azure OpenAI Service (AOAI)'s GPT-3 model, which generates concise summaries of the main points. The summaries are then formatted and sent via email using MailJet API.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook40209
  • GeminidSystems/GoogleNewsScraper

    A Python package that scrapes Google News article data while remaining undetected by Google. Our scraper can scrape page data up until the last page and never trigger a CAPTCHA (download stats:

  • easonlai/google_news_searching_and_text_analytics

    This is a demo repo to demonstrate how to use Python GoogleNews library to search and scrape result data. And save scraping results into Pandas dataframe.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook3101
  • mystery-z/fed-selen-spider

    Script that runs a webscraper for google news, term = "federal reserve" and sends it to @yjcha73

  • judeleonard/Presidential-election

    This is a data engineering project I developed in mid 2022 prior to the 2023 Nigeria Presidential election. The aim is to build an online polling system that aggregates all the information and reviews of each presidential candidate and the overall sentiment of the election from online platforms like Twitter and Google news articles.

  • mar0ls/Gnews

    scraper google news
