
There are 91 repositories under gradient-boosting-regressor topic.

  • RubixML/Housing

    An example project that predicts house prices for a Kaggle competition using a Gradient Boosted Machine.

  • Doodies/Github-Stars-Predictor

    It's a github repo star predictor that tries to predict the stars of any github repository having greater than 100 stars.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook35316
  • shubhpawar/Automated-Essay-Scoring

    Automated Essay Scoring on The Hewlett Foundation dataset on Kaggle

    Language:Jupyter Notebook323013
  • ds-wook/power-usage-predict

    šŸ„‰2023 Power Consumption Prediction AI CompetitionšŸ„‰

  • Danfoa/parkinson-progression-prediction-with-speech-tests

    Computer Intelligence subject final project at UPC.

  • leffff/stackboost

    Open source gradient boosting library

  • dgovor/Housing-Price-Prediction-Python

    Machine Learning model for price prediction using an ensemble of four different regression methods.

  • siadat/gradboostreg

    Gradient Boosting Regressor in Go

  • Jess607/Tourism-Spot-Recommendation-System

    This is a hybrid recommender system that combines the paradigms of content based filtering(using gradient boosting regressor) and collaborative filtering to recommend destination spots for users/tourists based on their demography and spots liked by tourists with similar demography and likes.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook4
  • santiagoahl/platzi-world-happiness

    A Machine Learning Model built in scikit-learn using Support Vector Regressors, Ensemble modeling with Gradient Boost Regressor and Grid Search Cross Validation.

  • nipun-goyal/Residential-Energy-Consumption-Prediction

    Predicting the Residential Energy Usage across 113.6 million U.S. households using Machine Learning Algorithms (Regression and Ensemble)

    Language:Jupyter Notebook3100
  • samtwl/Machine-Learning

    This repository contains several machine learning projects done in Jupyter Notebooks

    Language:Jupyter Notebook3001
  • lukabrown/Gradient-Boosting-Housing-Dataset

    Machine learning demonstration of the Gradient Boosting algorithm and it's effectiveness on a regression dataset of house prices.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2100
  • LuluW8071/Laptop-Price-Prediction

    A collection of machine learning models for predicting laptop prices

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2100
  • MrRaghav/media-memorability

    MediaEval challenge 2019 - to predict the memorability of the Videos

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2200
  • ShehaniWageesha/House-Price-Prediction-ML

    Predicting House Prices with Machine Learning

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2100
  • yash-dahima/CSE523-Machine-Learning-2023-Air-Quality-Prediction

    This repository contains codes, datasets, results, and reports of a machine learning project on air quality prediction.

  • akshayakn13/HackerEarth_Burnout

    Predict the employee burn out rate

  • bma114/corroded-RC-beam-moment-capacity

    Example machine learning implementation to predict the residual bending moment capacity of corroded reinforced concrete beams tested under monotonic three or four-point bending. Data is collected from 54 experimental programs available in the literature.

  • bma114/corroded-steel-machine-learning

    Example machine learning applications for the determination of the residual yield force of corroded steel bars tested under monotonic tensile loading. Data is collected from 26 experimental programs avaialbe in the literature.

  • BobbyWilt/PD_Voice_UPDRS

    This project fits and tunes several regression models to predict Parkinson's symptom severity scores from voice recordings.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1200
  • Emeline2104/Predictive_energy_consumption

    Projet 5 - OpenClassRooms - Data Science

    Language:Jupyter Notebook110
  • eshan-kaul/Regression-Voting-Ensemble-for-Solar-Power-Prediction

    Developed an ensemble voting model that included Random Forests, Linear Regression, Orthogonal Matching Pursuit, and Gradient Boosting Regressor to predict future solar power generated by a solar plant in India at 98.7% accuracy. Placed 1st at the Virginia Tech Computational Modeling & Data Analytics Fall 2022 Data Competition.

  • gb-pignatti/ML_from_scratch

    I code from scratch various Machine Learning algorithms.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1100
  • Heta-code/The-Future-We-Need

    This project focuses on leveraging machine learning and artificial intelligence techniques to contribute to environmental conservation efforts and predict the growing stock of forests in Indian states.

  • immanuvelprathap/Agriculture-Project

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1100
  • johnlakk/Bike_Sharing_Demand_Machine_Learning_Problem

    Machine Learning

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1200
  • LSShrivathsan/soil-moisture-analysis

    Soil moisture analysis , prediction and decision making to irrigate or drain water from field using Machine Learning ,numpy ,pandas , sklearn , matplotlib , Gradient Boosting Regressor model, linear regression model .

  • mayur7garg/FinancialModelling

    Easy to follow stock price analysis forecasting techniques on Indian stock data

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1100
  • MohammedIhsanP/HREmployeeAttritionPrediction-Web-App-Using-Flask

    This project aims is to predict whether an employee will leave or remain in the organization depending upon various factors using an ML classification model. Also if the employee leaves, we predict within how much time he/she leaves by using an ML regression model and deploy the Machine Learning model using FLASK.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook110
  • mrinalmayank7/machine_learning_models

    This repository consist of various machine learning models along with the dataset. The models are trained with widely used ML algorithms like Gradient Boost , Random Forest etc. Pickle is used to serialize ML algorithms for predictions or availing it for the server use.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1101
  • syedmfuad/food_store_location_pred

    Codes for food store presence, density and popularity predictor. Merges census tract-level demographic data from ACS, neighborhood amenities from heterogenous sources, and Point of Interest (POI) data from anonymized cellphone GPS ā€˜pingsā€™ to identify food retailer location and foot traffic information.

  • dyavadi8769/Student_Performance_Indicator_AWS_CI-CD

    This repository contains a machine learning model aimed at predicting student performance across various metrics. Utilizing a diverse set of Machine Learning Regression algorithms, the model predicts scores based on demographic and academic variables.This project demonstrates robust approach to leveraging machine learning for educational outcomes.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook00
  • nlawira/india-house-rent-prediction

    This repository contains a project I completed for an NTU course titled CB4247 Statistics & Computational Inference to Big Data. In this project, I applied regression and machine learning techniques to predict house prices in India.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook00
  • Ahmad-Ali-Rafique/Wine-Quality-Dataset

    Comprehensive analysis and modeling of the Wine Quality dataset, including exploratory data analysis (EDA), data preprocessing, model training, and performance evaluation using MSE and RMSE.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook
  • bma114/Corroded_Beam_Bending_Prediction

    This repository enables an engineer to generate predictions for the mechanical bending performance of corroded beams, using a database of 725 corroded beams tested under monotonic bending. Outputs include the maximum bending moment, residual capacity percentage, yield load, yield displacement, and ultimate displacement.
