
There are 13 repositories under granger-causality-analysis topic.

  • i6092467/GVAR

    An interpretable framework for inferring nonlinear multivariate Granger causality based on self-explaining neural networks.

  • asymppdc/asympPDC

    The asympPDC Package is a MATLAB and Octave package for Partial Directed Coherence (PDC) and Directed Transfer Function (DTF) estimation with asymptotic statistics, allied functions and routines for Granger Causality Test and results pretty plotting.

  • chenzhivis/Emission-Control-Global-Warming-Analysis-and-Prediction

    This project is about energy efficiency and renewable energy topic. Developed multivariate time series model to forecast global warming. Analyzed various causes of global warming including energy consumption, emissions; examined correlation and causality of temperature, CO2 concentration, population time series. Discovered the logical connections, contributory factors, etc.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook10102
  • stepeter/EEG_perturbations_analysis

    Source localization and connectivity analysis of high-density EEG data

  • HNXJ/MentalArthGraph

    Connectivity tools, classifiers and visualizers of EEG-based graphs(cortical)

  • ahaghnejad/BPGC

    This repository contains the Matlab code for implementing the bootstrap panel Granger causality procedure proposed by Kónya (Kónya, L. Exports and growth: Granger causality analysis on OECD countries with a panel data approach. Economic Modelling, 23(6), 978-992, 2006), which is based on the seemingly unrelated regressions (SUR) systems and the Wald tests with individual-specific bootstrap critical values, and accounts for both cross-sectional error dependence and slope heterogeneity across individual units.

  • Anne-FleurH/Budget-Reallocation

    Explore omnichannel marketing and how a company can optimally allocate their budget across marketing channels to maximise sales using the VAR model.

  • BNTechie/Statistical-tests

    Permutational Multivariate Analysis of Variance, Causal mediation analysis, PCA, adjusted p_values, correlation amon distance matrix, power analysis, exat t_test, Fourier transform

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1100
  • sugbk18/Sectoral-Analysis-for-Indian-Economy

    Top-Down Investment Strategy Optimization with Time Series Forecasting

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1100
  • TegveerG/CS505-NLP-FinalProject

    This project is related to news coverage regarding COVID-19 around the world. Using LDA topic modeling, we have extracted topics in news about COVID- 19 over time and from different parts of the world.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1100
  • Agoons20/Portfolio-Mgmt-And-Machine-Learning-in-Finance

    Investment Analysis and Asset Mgmt, Time Series Analysis & Forecasting, Machine Learning in Finance & Causal Inference Methods

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0100
  • frapic98/under-21-mins-Serie-a

    Minutes played by under 21 players in Serie A

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0100
  • ManuSinghYadav/Walmart-Sales-Forecast

    Time series analysis and forecasting project based on Walmart Sales Data.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0100