
There are 13 repositories under great-circle-distance topic.

  • n-vector


    Geographical position calculations – simple and exact solutions by means of n-vector 🌍

  • lunaticmonk/great-circle-distance

    A npm package to calculate the distance between two coordinates on the earth.

  • DeliriousLee/CoordinateCalculator


  • tinko26/

    Vehicle field test application support and more.

  • bgagan911/GCD

    Great Circle Distance (GCD) calculator made in Visual Basic 6.0. It's a simple, User-Friendly Calculator for Calculating Distance between 2 geographical points.

  • Drjacky/Intercom

  • 0xamitdutta/FindCabs

    A C++ program that finds cabs within 50 KM proximity using Great Circle Distance formula given a JSON file that contains the names and coordinates of all the cab drivers.

  • matttevans/great-circle-distance

    Laravel 8 helper methods to return the distance between two pairs of Latitude/Longitude points on a great circle with the Haversine and Vincenty formulae

  • ashsProjects/Great_Circle_Distance_Calculators

    This program calculates the distances between coordinates using a possible of three formulas: Vincenty, Cosines, or Haversine.

  • avitase/geordpy

    GeoRDPy is a Python library that simplifies geodetic-coordinate polylines using the Ramer-Douglas-Peucker algorithm. It reduces the number of points while preserving accuracy, making it ideal for optimizing geospatial data representations. Specify a threshold for error tolerance and choose a sphere radius for tailored simplification.

  • shwetajoshi601/customer-finder

    An application that finds a list of customers within a certain distance from a main location using the great circle distance.

  • Unclerojelio/geocaching_website

    These files represent a website that I created in 2003 to create a puzzle and the solution for a geocaching puzzle. I've had to move the website from host to host over the years and each time I've had to scour through old hard drives and directories to find the necessary files. I finally decided to host the files here in the hopes that I will be ab

  • vkoll29/great-distance

    This project not only calculates the distance between two locations using the haversine formula, it can also find locations within a particular distance from a certain central point.
