
There are 5 repositories under gripapril21 topic.

  • AkshaysrivatsVijayaraghavan/Basic-Banking-App

    Basic Banking App: Create a simple mobile app which has the following specs. ◇ Start with creating dummy data in mobile (sqlite) database for upto 10 users. User table will have basic fields such as name, email, current balance etc. Transfers table will record all transfers happened. ◇ Flow: Home Screen > View all Customers> Select and View one Customer> Transfer Money> Select customer to transfer to > View all Customers. ◇ No Login Page. No Customer Creation. Only transfer of money between multiple customers . ◇ Upload video demo of your application on youtube and submit the url.

  • AkshaysrivatsVijayaraghavan/Basic-Banking-System

    BASIC BANKING SYSTEM: Create a simple dynamic website which has the following specs. ◇ Start with creating a dummy data in database for upto 10 customers. Database options: Mysql, Mongo, Postgres, etc. Customers table will have basic fields such as name, email, current balance etc. Transfers table will record all transfers happened. ◇ Flow: Home Page > View all Customers > Select and View one Customer > Transfer Money > Select customer to transfer to > View all Customers . ◇ No Login Page. No User Creation. Only transfer of money between multiple users. ◇ Host the website at 000webhost,, heroku app or any other free hosting provider. Check in code in gitlab.

  • AkshaysrivatsVijayaraghavan/CI-CD-Cloud-Computing

    CI/CD CLOUD COMPUTING: Read up about AWS or Azure. ◇ Write up about the steps of setup and essentials of AWS EC2 or Azure VM (one page step by step). ◇ Create an EC2 or azure VM instance and access it through ssh from your pc over internet. ◇ In the EC2, deploy and run any application (a website with tomcat/spring boot) or python based project. ◇ Use at least one service apart from EC2 or VM, i.e. Database service, or MQ, ML, Mobile or any other services provided by AWS or Azure. ◇ Submit the URL of the application which is running on EC2.

  • AkshaysrivatsVijayaraghavan/Payment-Gateway-Integration

    PAYMENT GATEWAY INTEGRATION Using Razorpay : Create a simple website where payment gateway is integrated. ◇ There will be a simple donate button on homepage. On clicking the donate button, the user will land on the payment page where user can select the amount to be paid and the payment type, e.g. credit card, Paypal, etc. ◇ Once the payment is done and invoice will be generated and email will be sent to the user for the payment received. The invoice will contain the amount. ◇ On any page / email, only basic information is needed. ◇ Create your own temporary / sandbox / testing accounts with 3rd party for integrations.

  • AkshaysrivatsVijayaraghavan/Testing-Automated-

    TESTING AUTOMATED: Read up about Testing. ◇ Learn selenium and basic selenium automation scripting. ◇ Start with Google Search and read tutorials. Watch videos to learn about various aspects of testing using selenium. ◇ Use selenium to create a test case to test the website ◇ The test script should check of at least 5 pages and 10 elements in total. ◇ Each element could be e.g. if the Logo exists, the navigation bar appears, the name on about us page is correct, etc.
