
There are 36 repositories under groqapi topic.

  • tonykipkemboi/groq_streamlit_demo

    Groq goes brrrrr... so had to make a basic Streamlit app you can build upon!

  • louisbrulenaudet/ragoon

    High level library for batched embeddings generation, blazingly-fast web-based RAG and quantized indexes processing ⚡

    Language:Jupyter Notebook58315
  • shitan198u/AnyChat

    Chat with your Documents(PDF, TXT, DOCX, ODT, PPTX etc), Websites and Youtube Chat too!, CSV files. Uses langchain, Ollama, Groq, Gemini, Streamlit. Llama3 available

  • Caojiahao-Coder/gpt_next

    GPT_NEXT is an AI chat tool (OpenAI + Groq).

  • RMNCLDYO/groq-ai-toolkit

    A versatile CLI and Python wrapper for Groq AI's breakthrough LPU Inference Engine. Streamline the creation of chatbots and generate dynamic text with speeds of up to 800 tokens/sec.

  • Justmalhar/QuickUI-Agent

    💻 Hackable UI Generator with LLMs. Build quick MVP UIs with HTML, Tailwind, Font Awesome, and Groq for superfast generation⚡

  • fluent_cli


    Fluent CLI is an advanced command-line interface designed to interact seamlessly with multiple workflow systems like FlowiseAI, Langflow, Make, and Zapier. Tailored for developers and IT professionals, Fluent CLI facilitates robust automation, simplifies complex interactions, and enhances productivity through a powerful and command suite

  • LikithMeruvu/AINewsResearcher-and-BlogWriter

    Project automates AI news gathering and Blog post Writing. Our AI agent collects insights and news about any topic From Internet and Writes an Amazing Blog post or Article on that topic. Integrating Crew AI frameworks for robust Agents

  • rabilrbl/groq-chatbot

    Python Telegram bot that uses Groq API to generate creative text formats based on user input.

  • MaxMLang/RAG-nificent

    RAG-nificent is a state-of-the-art framework leveraging Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) to provide instant answers and references from a curated directory of PDFs containing information on any given topic. Supports Llama3.1 and OpenAI Models via the Groq API.

  • aaronbesson/groqet

    A NextJS GroqAPI Starter Kit

  • Op27/llama3-groq-streamlit

    This project features a Streamlit chat app integrating Llama3 models via Groq, offering fast, real-time AI-driven chat functionalities within an interactive web interface.

  • lkotlarenko/gramma

    Gramma is an innovative Python application that transforms your clipboard into a smart text assistant. Gramma identifies specific command prefixes within your copied text. Upon recognition, it seamlessly interacts with the GROQ API, utilizing tailored prompts to enhance and refine your text. It's easy to change or create new prompts for your needs.

  • eliranwong/groqchat

    A terminal chatbot, powered by Groq Cloud API (Windows / macOS / Linux / Android / iOS)

  • mickymultani/Groqy-Chat

    GROQ LPU Powered LLM chat engine

    Language:Jupyter Notebook5100
  • MinhxThanh/GroqAi-Telegram-Bot

    This is a simple Telegram bot that uses the Groq API to generate responses to user messages

  • SujalChoudhari/100x_Buildathon_Entropy

    100x Engineers x Yourstory Buildathon Winning Project

  • jpoz/groq

    A community maintained Go library for the API

  • MaxMLang/lightningAI-styleguide-assistant

    The Lightning ⚡️ AI Style Guide Assistant & Code Translator is a specialized adaptation of the Lightning Chatbot, designed to assist in maintaining consistency and accuracy in style guides. Leveraging Groq LPUs, it provides real-time style and grammar recommendations, making it an essential tool for editors and writers.

  • MaxMLang/lightningfast-ai-chat

    Lightning is an ultra-fast AI chatbot powered by Groq LPUs (Language Processing Units), offering one of the fastest inference speeds on the market as of April 2024. With its advanced natural language processing capabilities and lightning-fast response times, Lightning provides an unparalleled conversational experience.

  • ghpranav/VocabGenie

    An AI-powered vocabulary flashcards web app that helps you learn new words and their meanings. Built with NextJS & Groq API.

  • ihkcreations/EWU_RAG_Chatbot

    A RAG application for East West University (Only Science Faculty)

  • Groq-Translate


    Groq-Translate is an AI-based translation tool that offers accurate and versatile translations for words and phrases in various languages. Utilizing Groq's advanced AI models, Groq-Translate not only translates text but also provides synonyms, translation variations, and similar phrases, offering a broader and more contextual understanding.

  • GroqAPI-cpp


    GroqAPI-cpp (Groq API Wrapper) is a minimalistic C++ library for easy interaction with the Groq API. It simplifies sending requests, processing responses, and supports multithreading. Ideal for integrating Groq's language processing into C++ applications efficiently. Works seamlessly with C++14 and later versions.

  • azain47/sawaal-jawab

    Q&A Chatbot for any personality!

  • cannox227/Taylor-s-Tune

    Mood-driven music recommendations with Large Language Models

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1100
  • CuriousDima/pardon-my-english

    Telegram bot that uses preset prompts to help users communicate like native English speakers.

  • GURPREETKAURJETHRA/Groq-Whisper-Fast-Transcription-App

    Groq-Whisper Fast Transcription App built using Groq API and Streamlit

  • lakshaybhushan/GroqCloud-quickstart

    groqcloud testing

  • margs163/IdeaGen

    Web application that generates ideas for personal and science investigatory projects.

  • SathiraSriSathsara/AI-Chabot

    AI Chat bot with Groq API

  • ElDokmak/LangChain

    Langchain Tutorials

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0100
  • FurtherSecrets24680/GroQt

    A standalone Python QT application to chat with Groq AI by using various open-source models.

  • ImNotVarun/Chatbot

    chatbot with groq_api

  • PaleAlex/Choosing

    Web app for restaurant/pub/pizzeria recommendation

  • leodeveloper/QuestionAnswerObjectBoxGpt4o

    Question Answer application using ObjectBox vector database, Gpt4o and langchain

    Language:Jupyter Notebook