
There are 22 repositories under guardrails topic.

  • BoundaryML/baml

    BAML is a templating language to write typed LLM functions. Check out the playground

  • globalbao/awesome-azure-policy

    A curated list of blogs, videos, tutorials, code, tools, scripts, and anything useful to help you learn Azure Policy - by @JesseLoudon

  • aiplaybookin/novice-ChatGPT

    ChatGPT API Usage using LangChain, LlamaIndex, Guardrails, AutoGPT and more

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1254016
  • raga-ai-hub/raga-llm-hub

    Framework for LLM evaluation, guardrails and security

  • langwatch/langevals

    LangEvals aggregates various language model evaluators into a single platform, providing a standard interface for a multitude of scores and LLM guardrails, for you to protect and benchmark your LLM models and pipelines.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook36325
  • IDinsight/ask-a-question

    No-code, easy-to-setup, reliable content manager and RAG plugin for chatbots in social sector

  • SSK-14/chatbot-guardrails

    AWS - RAG Chatbot with LangChain and NeMo Guardrails

  • aimonlabs/aimon-rely

    This repo hosts the Python SDK and related examples for AIMon Rely, which is a proprietary, state-of-the-art system for detecting LLM quality issues such as Hallucinations. It can be used during offline evals, continuous monitoring or inline detection. We offer various model quality metrics that are fast, reliable and cost-effective.

  • Harras3/Enterprise-Grade-RAG

    This is a RAG based chatbot in which semantic cache and guardrails have been incorporated.

  • thrivewithai/langchain-fixie-marvin

    We compared LangChain, Fixie, and Marvin

  • hyparam/csv-validator

    CSV validator for Guardrails AI

  • zcemycl/qa-chatgpt-hf-pgvector

    E-commerce fashion assistant with Chatgpt, Hugging Face, Ltree and Pgvector.

  • Chotom/guardrails-dss-ml-2024

    Demo showcase highlighting the capabilities of Guardrails in LLMs.

  • jslopes8/terraform-aws-guardrail-violation

    How to Detect a Guardrail Violation

  • modelmetry/modelmetry-sdk-js

    The Modelmetry JS/TS SDK allows developers to easily integrate Modelmetry’s advanced guardrails and monitoring capabilities into their LLM-powered applications.

  • modelmetry/modelmetry-sdk-python

    The Modelmetry Python SDK allows developers to easily integrate Modelmetry’s advanced guardrails and monitoring capabilities into their LLM-powered applications.

  • rolfschutten/governance-with-policy-driven-guardrails

    Repository for the Azure Governance Best Practices: Ensuring Compliance with Policy-driven Guardrails blog post, to implement policy-driven guardrails using Terraform.

  • saradiazdelser/cineMatic-chatbot

    (Cine)Matic is a comprehensive demonstration of the NeMo Guardrails framework's capabilities. This project highlights how guardrails technology can effectively maintain the language model (LLM) focus, particularly in the context of Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) for answering movie-related questions.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1
  • donsantos/damage-control

    Deploy Near Real Time Auto Remediation for your Google Cloud Organization and Projects

  • jenisys/guardrails.cucumber-expression-match

    guardrails-ai validator that supports cucumber-expressions (instead of: regex)

  • kzaamout/bedrock-nemo

    Using NVIDIA NeMo Guardrails with Amazon Bedrock via LangChain

  • PEZ/guardrails-malli-mini

    Using Guardrails with Malli, and the Guardrails registry from Malli
