
There are 7 repositories under hacktoberfest-android topic.

  • raghavtilak/VideoEditor

    This app contains basic functionality to fast forward, slowmo and reverse either the whole input video or a specific part of the video

  • raghavtilak/Paint

    This app provides a canvas on which your can draw anything free handed and can save that as an image file. Utilities like stroke color, stroke width etc. are also available.

  • raghavtilak/NeuBrutalism

    A library to help you utilise the Simplicity & Aesthetics of Brutalism UI Design in Android.

  • raghavtilak/SimpleDragSwipeRV

    Simple RecyclerViewAdapter library with Swipe to delete and Drag to Sort functionality. Supports all the three Layouts(Vertical, Horizontal, Grid).

  • raghavtilak/StickyNotes

    This is similar to the Sticky Notes on Windows or Stickies on Mac. The app uses the Widgets which act as notes. They can be placed anywhere on the screen and can be resized. The user can add items/text to the notes.
