
There are 5 repositories under haematology topic.

  • Jimut123/RV-PBS

    Data for the paper titled "Advancing instance segmentation and WBC classification in peripheral blood smear through domain adaptation: A study on PBC and the novel RV-PBS datasets" published on Elsevier's Expert Systems With Applications (ESWA) journal.

  • AI4HealthUOL/CardioLab

    This is the official repository for CardioLab. A machine and deep learning framework for the estimation and monitoring of laboratory values throught ECG data.

  • drozhkov/sysmex-xs-proto-clr

    Sysmex XS-series data communication protocol implementation

  • survival-lumc/ImmuneReconstJM

    Code and supplementary materials for the manuscript "Joint models quantify associations between T-cell kinetics and allo-immunological events after allogeneic stem cell transplantation and subsequent donor lymphocyte infusion" (2023, Frontiers in Immunology)

  • survival-lumc/ReviewHaemaMissing

    Code and supplementary materials for the manuscript "Handling missing covariate data in clinical studies in haematology" (2023, Best Practice & Research Clinical Haematology)
