There are 31 repositories under happiness-report topic.
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An interactive web application that aims to clearify the world happiness ranking among countries by combinding the world happiness data from the year 2015 up and including 2020, with easy to use and understandable charts and maps built with D3 and THREE.js.
Data analysis and forecasting applied to World Happiness
This project is an attempt to analyse world happiness using various factor across multiple countries
Data Source : https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/ajaypalsinghlo/world-happiness-report-2022
A in depth view of country development indicators and the impact of these features against suicide rates and happiness scores worldwide.
Group project investigating The World Happiness Report and what characteristics makes a country happy.
A visual analysis of World Happiness in 2020
This project has been prepared to reveal what kind of changes the Covid-19 pandemic process has caused in the general happiness levels of people all over the world.In the project, the data were visualized as before and after the pandemic.
We train Linear Regression, Neural Networks, and other machine learning models on data from the World Happiness Report to quantitatively define the main factors affecting humans’ subjective sense of happiness and thus develop a method to predict happiness.
how to preprocess and merge datasets to calculate needed measures and prepare them for an Analysis. In this project, we are going to work with the COVID19 dataset, published by John Hopkins University, which consists of the data related to the cumulative number of confirmed cases, per day, in each Country. Also, we have another dataset consist of various life factors, scored by the people living in each country around the globe. We are going to merge these two datasets to see if there is any relationship between the spread of the virus in a country and how happy people are, living in that country.
This data analysis project aims to explore and understand the factors influencing global happiness. Using the World Happiness 2019 Report dataset, we will investigate the relationships between various socio-economic, environmental, and cultural factors and the happiness levels of different countries or regions.
Numerical Calculus final project
Un estudi sobre l'efecte del monòxid de carboni en l'estat de benestar d'un país.
In this project, members of the BYU-Idaho Online Data Science Society (BYUIODSS) try to answer the question: How did the Covid-19 pandemic affect the World Happiness Report scores?
A data analysis on the state of happiness in the world. It investigates economic, social, environmental and world factors.
A data-based approach to find trends or patterns between happiness and gender equality
La plata hace a la felicidad. ¿O es al revés? El presente trabajo es un intento por identificar, para Latinoamérica, si el crecimiento económico (medido por el Producto Interno Bruto) como indicador objetivo de bienestar repercute en mejores indicadores subjetivos de bienestar (felicidad)o si por el contrario, son estos indicadores subjetivos los que predicen(tal vez porque determinan) el comportamiento del PIB. Para esto se tomó información de dieciocho países Latinoamericanos entre los años 1995 y 2010 incluyendo ambos tipos de indicadores de bienestar (objetivo y subjetivo). Para evitar un modelo que imponga una determinada dirección de causalidad se optó por una metodología de Vectores Autorregresivos, y para preservar los efectos intra-país se trabajó un modelo econométrico de paneles: se utilizó un Panel-VAR. La evidencia sugeriría que ambos tipos de indicadores están relacionados y que predomina la relación en el sentido que va desde la variable subjetiva hacia la objetiva (salvo en el caso de crisis). El indicador subjetivo anticipa (causa en el sentido de Wiener-Granger) al indicador objetivo. También es posible identificar diferencias entre la felicidad, expectativas económicas y percepciones económicas actuales.
Analysis of rising covid-19 cases and happiness of people.
Exploratory Data Analysis on World Happiness Report.
Statistical analysis of relationship between overall happiness, climate and suicide ratio accross the Globe.
This is an Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) in 12 Steps with an easy going dataset for beginners. The goal is to understand the correlation between variables step by step. For advance practionners you can use the profiling package in Python
Visualizing and exploring global happiness data
Repo for the yappi organization.
Analysis of the report based on happiness and corruptions
An exploration of World Happiness Data from 2015-2020. The website allows the user to explore 140+ countries' happiness data over time and the different effect of each demographic on happiness level. We built a flask application to query our SQL database and return our analysis to the endpoints selected by the user.
Analyzing the happiness data for the year 2019 using Power BI
This project analyzes the World Happiness Report 2020 dataset using Python. It explores factors contributing to happiness levels across countries through data visualization and correlation analysis.
This project aims to do the detailed analysis of World happiness index using Python and create a dashboard summarizing entire analysis using both Tableau and Plotly Dash.