There are 19 repositories under heroku-server topic.
A real-time interactive web app based on data pipelines using streaming Twitter data, automated sentiment analysis, and MySQL&PostgreSQL database (Deployed on Heroku)
JAICF bot template ready for Heroku deployment
The simplest flask app that can be deployed on heroku server in couple of minutes.
Mern Project as Mock from Masai school in Revision batch. Build by React.Js
A Mern Application Where User Can Find Rooms Details And The They can take Rooms On Rent, Admin can Login By Their Email And password And They Can Add More Rooms and can Edit Rooms Details
Small Mern Project from Masai For practice, Build Using HTMl,CSS ,JavaScript & Dom-Manipulation.
A Mern Typing Practice Game, Where Users Can Choose Difficulty as Easy,Medium and Hard and Then They can Start Playing this Word game, it is basically a typing practice game after a certain amount of time they can check their Score As Well.
My first Discord bot made with Python! This is a general purpose bot done to be used in servers that I like. The project still going on...
DeskTime was born out of the need for the Draugiem Group to manage their many employees. An internal application was developed, and we soon realized that we'd made a tool that could be useful for many other companiesDeploy Link
Tanner Goods offers leather-based products such as wallets and bags. The company built on the idea that quality, longevity, and value are all interdependent. Hence, their goods are based in value-driven design and quality manufacturing. Founded in 2006, Tanner Goods is based in Portland, Oregon.
An online course store that supports simple authorization with validation, routing. The project was created for the initial understanding of the project structure on Express.js and the basic use of Handlebars
A Small Mern Project From Masai For Practice. Built Using HTML,CSS,JavaScript and Dom-Manipulation
GroupMe bot that responds in different ways deployed on Heroku server
This web site is built with Django. The final product is deployed on Heroku server and could be seen from here :
This is an Ecommerce Website which is made using MERN Stack technology and is hosted on netlify(client-frontend) as well as server on Heroku.
The app is build using CNN and is deplyed on heroku server as a flask-python app.
Money Max is a Banking Website , developed with - Reactjs, Nodejs, MongoDB, Firebase Auth .....
Farmer's bazaar is created for farmers who want to sell fresh products to local shoppers. So they can create their own account and include products they are selling into the inventory table. Shoppers can type in the search bar a product they are interested in and see the list of farms that sell that particular product.