
There are 350 repositories under heuristic-search-algorithms topic.

  • swarmlib


    This repository implements several swarm optimization algorithms and visualizes them. Implemented algorithms: Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), Firefly Algorithm (FA), Cuckoo Search (CS), Ant Colony Optimization (ACO), Artificial Bee Colony (ABC), Grey Wolf Optimizer (GWO) and Whale Optimization Algorithm (WOA)

  • patheloper/pathetic

    better google maps for block game

  • lanl/pyHarmonySearch

    pyHarmonySearch is a pure Python implementation of the harmony search (HS) global optimization algorithm.

  • robotics-upo/Heuristic_path_planners

    Collection of classes and functions to allow 2D/3D path generation with heuristic algorithms such as A*, Theta* and LazyTheta* and ROS Interfaces

  • nimich/VehicleRouting

    A solution for Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP) in Java with heuristic algorithms and Tabu search

  • MDCHAMP/FreeLunch

    Meta-heuristic optimisation suite for python

  • fliscopt


    Algorithms for flight scheduling optimization.

  • alimirjalili/GWO

    The GWO algorithm mimics the leadership hierarchy and hunting mechanism of grey wolves in nature. Four types of grey wolves such as alpha, beta, delta, and omega are employed for simulating the leadership hierarchy. In addition, three main steps of hunting, searching for prey, encircling prey, and attacking prey, are implemented to perform optimization. This is the source codes of the paper: S. Mirjalili, S. M. Mirjalili, A. Lewis, Grey Wolf Optimizer, Advances in Engineering Software, Volume 69, March 2014, Pages 46-61, ISSN 0965-9978, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.advengsoft.2013.12.007. More information can be found in: http://www.alimirjalili.com/GWO.html

  • pdrm83/py2opt

    How to solve the traveling salesman problem with the 2-opt algorithm, a fast heuristic search algorithm.

  • alpsayin/genetic-algorithm-matlab

    A very simple Genetic Algorithm implementation for matlab, easy to use, easy to modify runs fast.

  • asarandi/n-puzzle

    My n-puzzle solver: A* and IDA* search, heuristics, different puzzle configurations and sizes

  • IbrahimSquared/visibility-heuristic-path-planner

    Highly efficient holistic 2D visibility solution for grid-based environments/maps (C++ and MATLAB). Extends to a planner.

  • YashTrikannad/fmt_star_ros

    Informed FMT (Fast Marching Tree) Star Planning ROS Action Server

  • philippnormann/ev-charging-optimization

    ⚡ A simulation of finding the shortest charging routes for electric vehicle fleets using ant colony optimization.

  • mHooshdar/AI-Search-Algorithms

    AI classic search algorithms with graph and program implementation

  • Shaswat2001/Motion_planning_of_Robots

    This repository implements various Search Based (Heuristic and Incremental) and Sampling Based (Multi Query and Single Query) motion planning algorithms using ROS and turtlebot

  • Adamantios/PDDL-Solver

    A PDDL Solver in C++.

  • 8-puzzle


    Using heuristic search Best-First and A* with BFS (with manhatan distance) methods to solve 8-puzzle

  • AchilleasKn/PortfolioOptimization

    Heuristics for cardinality constrained portfolio optimisation

  • MortezaHagh/PathPlanning-MATLAB

    Single robot path planning algorithms implemented in MATLAB. Including heuristic search and incremental heuristic search methods. A*, LPA*, D*Lite

  • AbraaoHonorio/Algorithms-Data-Structures

    Implementations of Fundamental Algorithms & Data Structures in C++.

  • AnonSar/A-Star-Search-Algorithm-Python-Implementation

    This is the A Star algorithm Python implementation

  • MohamadTarekk/EightPuzzle

    Eight Puzzle solver using BFS, DFS & A* search algorithms

  • selcukeskil/3-heuristic-algorithms-in-Python-for-Travelling-Salesman-Problem

    As alternative heuristic techniques; genetic algorithm, simulated annealing algorithm and city swap algorithm are implemented in Python for Travelling Salesman Problem. Details on implementation and test results can be found in this repository.

  • sibmr/OpenStreetMap-Ship-Routing

    Shortest Path Algorithms on an Ocean Routing Graph extracted from Open Street Map data.

  • akaysh/SpiderMonkey.jl

    A Julia package for Spider Monkey Optimization.

  • ali-ece/Design-of-optimal-CMOS-ring-oscillator-using-an-intelligent-optimization-tool

    This paper presents an intelligent sizing method to improve the performance and efficiency of a CMOS Ring Oscillator (RO). The proposed approach is based on the simultaneous utilization of powerful and new multi-objective optimization techniques along with a circuit simulator under a data link. The proposed optimizing tool creates a perfect tradeoff between the contradictory objective functions in CMOS RO optimal design. This tool is applied for intelligent estimation of the circuit parameters (channel width of transistors), which have a decisive influence on RO specifications. Along the optimal RO design in an specified range of oscillaton frequency, the Power Consumption, Phase Noise, Figure of Merit (FoM), Integration Index, Design Cycle Time are considered as objective functions. Also, in generation of Pareto front some important issues, i.e. Overall Nondominated Vector Generation (ONVG), and Spacing (S) are considered for more effectiveness of the obtained feasible solutions in application. Four optimization algorithms called Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm (MOGA), Multi-Objective Inclined Planes system Optimization (MOIPO), Multi-Objective Particle Swarm Optimization (MOPSO) and Multi-Objective Modified Inclined Planes System Optimization (MOMIPO) are utilized for 0.18-mm CMOS technology with supply voltage of 1-V. Baesd on our extensive simulations and experimental results MOMIPO outperforms the best performance among other multi-objective algorithms in presented RO designing tool.

  • cybr17crwlr/A-Star-8-puzzle-Python

    A code to solve 8 Puzzle game using A star algorithm.

  • krshrimali/heuristics_calculations

    A web-based GUI tool to showcase SLD and Manhattan Metrics (P5 JS)

  • Subangkar/N-Puzzle-Problem-CPP-Implementation-using-A-Star-Search

    A C++ implementation of N Puzzle problem using A Star Search with heuristics of Manhattan Distance, Hamming Distance & Linear Conflicts

  • allenfallen/sliding-puzzle

    A sliding puzzle game and solver using ncurses.

  • chrispanag/a-star-search-navigation

    A command line native Java application that searches for the best route between two points on an OpenStreet Map. A project for the Artificial Intelligence course (ECE NTUA)

  • conema/AntsBike

    An implementation of the Ant Colony optimization algorithm (ACO) for the capacitated vehicle routing problem (CVRP) for bike sharing rebalancing

  • DuNGEOnmassster/Intelligent_System_homework

    Repo to restore my Intelligent System cource coding homework

    Language:Jupyter Notebook7101
  • yousefkotp/8-Puzzle-Solver

    8 Puzzle solver using uninformed and informed search algorithms as DFS, BFS and A*.
