
There are 12 repositories under hex-code topic.

  • hopeliz/Hex-Code-Picker

    Get the hex code of a pixel in TouchDesigner

  • code-chaser/hex

    A simple webpage with a hex color code converter tool.

  • Sagar-Sharma-7/binary-octal-hexadecimal

    A simple Command-Line Interface (CLI) converts decimal numbers into binary, octal, and hexadecimal.

  • dev-xero/rgb-to-hex

    Python script to convert an RGB text sequence into HEX Code

  • keirakaitlynn/BinaryFileHexEditor

    An interactive program to allow the user to change a character's stats & items to whatever values they want in Ultima V (must download & run via DOSBox to play) by reading & modifying bytes at specific addresses / offsets in the original game's files (SAVED.GAM). (HxD-autosetter.py can be ignored; This is an extra file originally written to change the stats of all 16 characters to 99, or 999 for some, & requires HxD.exe to execute since it implements OS & Key.Controller).

  • akash-rajak/Color-Converter

    Python code for conversion between different color code.

  • akash-rajak/Hex-Color-Code

    Python Script to get Hex Color code.

  • brandonhimpfen/is-hex-color-code

    A simple npm package to validate hexadecimal color codes.

  • HamzaZaidiX/Color-Generator-App

    Color Shades Generator from Hex Color Code

  • DilsherB/randomColor

    Our color generator app is more than just a tool; it's a catalyst for creativity. Use our app to: 1-Experiment with different color combinations for your artwork or designs. 2-Create mood boards for your interior design projects. 3-Develop color palettes for your marketing materials. 4-Discover new color combinations for next project.

  • Mikulew/js-random-hex-code-generator

    These color hex codes have been an integral part of HTML for web design, and remain a key way of representing color formats digitally.

  • reiver/go-hexcolor

    Package hexcolor provides tools for working with hex color codes, for the Go programming language. Hex Color Codes look like these: #1B2A34, 1E5AA8, #fd0304, and 00852b.
