
There are 7 repositories under hin topic.

  • parklize/kgc-rec

    Repository for EDM2021 paper - "Recommending Knowledge Concepts on MOOC Platforms with Meta-path-based Representation Learning"

    Language:Jupyter Notebook201315
  • zechengz/hin-dataset

    Heterogeneous Information Network Datasets

  • hningbo/pytorch-HeGAN

    Pytorch implement of HeGAN(Adversarial Learning on Heterogeneous Information Networks)

  • Vremold/DLS

    A development library retrieval approach, mainly for js-based frontend development

  • amattu2/HIN-decoder

    A PHP based boat HIN (hull identification number) decoder and validator; Decode the manufacturer, date of production, etc.

  • d-wasserman/r-hin-variable-analysis

    This project documents various R scripts and notebooks examining a High Injury Network (HIN) conducted for four counties that encompass the core of the San Francisco Bay Area (San Francisco, Santa Clara, Alameda, and San Mateo Counties).

  • zhangweipu/HINE

    Heterogeneous Information Network Embedding