
There are 4 repositories under historical-network-research topic.

  • sonar-idh/reports

    Reports document an implementation concept for a research infrastructure integrating heterogeneous data sets to extract information about agents and social networks based on historical network research requirements, user studies as well as visualization and data modelling approaches.

  • ieg-dhr/hnr-winterschool-2022

    DH Lab Winterschool "A beginner's guide to historical network research" (Nov 28 - Dec 1, 2022) by Dr. Demival Vasques Filho and Dr. Cindarella Petz

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1405
  • cprog7/HNR_workshops

    Historical Network Analysis tutorials presented as part of the "Exploring Connections" - Bring Your Own Data Lab of HERMES, hosted at IEG Mainz on October 17--18, 2024, by Dr. Cindarella Petz

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0101
  • ieg-dhr/graphnr-workshop-2023

    GrapHNR2023 Pre-Conference Workshop on Network Analysis with Jupyter Notebooks (and Quarto) at IEG Mainz, July 18, 2023, by Dr. Cindarella Petz

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0302