
There are 6 repositories under homosexuality topic.

  • itorr/homo


  • homosexuality-simulator


    Mendelian gene simulator to simulate homosexuality assuming polygenetic inherited recessive genes

  • wdbm/world_statistics

    Language:Jupyter Notebook130
  • AntoData/HomosexualityHistoryCurrentStatus

    In this project we use folium, pandas and webscraping using requests and beautifulSoup to create a map that contains information about the legal status of homosexuality around the world. We created an API with a function called buildMap to create the map with the colors combining number ranges and static string values to color that map. Also we use request and beautifulSoup to get and parse all the wikipedia pages that contain information about lgbt rights in each country for the html we display when we open a marker (every country has a marker placed in its capital to display with information).

  • roaringflame114/cxkchatter

    Forget the ridiculous title please:(
