
There are 5 repositories under honey-bee topic.

  • LYM-mg/MGLoveFreshBeen

    一款电商App,实现首页功能以及个人中心和分类,购物车模块。1.MVC设计模式 2.使用纯代码和Xib混合开发,使用Masonry和AutoLayout做UI布局 3.集成友盟分享 4.使用SDWebImage进行图片加载 5.SVProessHUD和MBProessHUD进行遮盖提示 6.UITableView的联动效果 7.首页UICollectionView进行数据显示 8.UIWebView加载网页等技术,^_^

  • sbresnahan/Galbraith-2016-PNAS-ASE-replication

    Replicating the bioinformatics and statistics pipelines for allele-specific expression analysis of ovary tissue from sterile and reproductive reciprocally crossed honey bees as described in Galbraith et al. (2016). PNAS. https://www.pnas.org/content/113/4/1020

  • matthewwiese/bee-phg

    A Practical Haplotype Graph (PHG) for the honey bee (Apis mellifera)

  • BioroboticsLab/DanceFollowerDetection

    Minimal working example for a dance and follower detection. Product of a master thesis by Kadir Tugan @ktugan

    Language:Jupyter Notebook190
  • dhimmel/beesting

    Visualizing the painfulness of bee stings by body location